Virginia Singh

Virginia is one of our newest members of the writing staff. Joining us in March 2023, she quickly got up to speed on all the latest entertainment news and now sees every single update on X (formerly known as Twitter) as an opportunity to write another article.

Humorous and optimistic, she lives for a good sitcom and prides herself on her knowledge of all your favorite 2000s hits. From going behind the scenes of Friends to recalling the best and worst moments of Gilmore Girls.

Although Virginia loves a good laugh, she can appreciate a wide range of TV show genres. Beginning her fandom experience with Glee, she easily embraced the absurdity of Riverdale and the beauty of thoughtful Bridgerton romance. The only thing about television she still cannot accept is the Game of Thrones finale, but House of The Dragon is slowly making her forget the pain HBO once caused her.

To fill the time between premieres of her favorite shows, Virginia keeps up with soap operas. Though the passion she once had for General Hospital's plot twists is fading, she remains the biggest daytime drama advocate in the entire Starterfacts editorial staff.

Gilmore Girls Finally Stops The Millennials vs. Gen Z Feud
Gilmore Girls Finally Stops The Millennials vs. Gen Z Feud
Perhaps, Boomers could enjoy it too!
The Gilded Age’s Marian and Larry Were Meant To Be From The Very Casting Stage
The Gilded Age’s Marian and Larry Were Meant To Be From The Very Casting Stage
Fans couldn’t agree more.
Taylor Lautner Admits He Should’ve Been Gone After First Twilight Movie
Taylor Lautner Admits He Should’ve Been Gone After First Twilight Movie
But we’re sure glad he wasn’t.
One Bridgerton Had To Figure Lady Whistledown Out By Now, And It’s Not Eloise
One Bridgerton Had To Figure Lady Whistledown Out By Now, And It’s Not Eloise
Come on, he can’t be this blind!
5 Once Extremely Popular K-Dramas Everyone Forgot Today
5 Once Extremely Popular K-Dramas Everyone Forgot Today
They have shined too bright.
The Gilded Age Fans Aren’t Sure S3 Will Be Worth It
The Gilded Age Fans Aren’t Sure S3 Will Be Worth It
Maybe it’s better to leave on a high note?
HoTD S1 Final Scene Could've Been a Whole Lot Worse, But Was Saved Last Second
HoTD S1 Final Scene Could've Been a Whole Lot Worse, But Was Saved Last Second
The only time they actually did not need a dragon.
5 Ugly Duckling K-Dramas To Fix Your Self-Esteem
5 Ugly Duckling K-Dramas To Fix Your Self-Esteem
It’s not always in the looks.
5 Times The Office’s Michael Scott Hit A New Low
5 Times The Office’s Michael Scott Hit A New Low
If ever reported to HR, he would make them cry.
Out Of All The Big Bang Theory Characters, Only One Could Make A Good Roommate
Out Of All The Big Bang Theory Characters, Only One Could Make A Good Roommate
Sorry, Sheldon, it’s not your time to shine.