The New Witcher Actor Had Kissing Scenes with Jennifer Lawrence, and He Really Hated Them
The New Witcher Actor Had Kissing Scenes with Jennifer Lawrence, and He Really Hated Them
Liam Hemsworth named kissing scenes with J-Law as the worst experience of his entire acting career, and before you rebel, he had a really strong reason for that.
10 Movies That Made a Star Out of an Unknown Actor
10 Movies That Made a Star Out of an Unknown Actor
We have these films to thank for some of Hollywood's biggest stars today.
Spoiler Alert: 8 Movie Twists That Literally No One Was Shocked By
Spoiler Alert: 8 Movie Twists That Literally No One Was Shocked By
As these films show, a plot twist for the sake of a plot twist doesn't always make for compelling storytelling.
12 Oscar-Nominated Performances That Were Cringeworthy
12 Oscar-Nominated Performances That Were Cringeworthy
Just remember, acting, like any art, is subjective, so one man's cringe might be another man's masterpiece.
10 Films That Thought They Were Being Deep But Were Just Confusing
10 Films That Thought They Were Being Deep But Were Just Confusing
These movies aspired for profundity but ended up baffling us instead.
Emma Stone Felt So Intimidated by X-Men Star She Almost Quit Acting Once
Emma Stone Felt So Intimidated by X-Men Star She Almost Quit Acting Once
The actress wanted to give up acting because she felt that she was not talented enough.  
Cinematic Masterpieces: 10 Underrated Films Every Movie Lover Should See
Cinematic Masterpieces: 10 Underrated Films Every Movie Lover Should See
These hidden cinematic gems may not have been the talk of the town, but they do deserve a watch - at least once.
14 Actors Who Were Clearly Wrong for Their Roles
14 Actors Who Were Clearly Wrong for Their Roles
Please note, this doesn't mean these actors are bad - they just ended up in roles that should've probably gone to someone else.
10 Beautifully Filmed Movies with Terrible Stories
10 Beautifully Filmed Movies with Terrible Stories
These  ten films are stunning visually, but the narrative? Well, it's like a modern art piece titled "What?"
How The Twilight Saga Almost Ruined Jennifer Lawrence's Acting Future
How The Twilight Saga Almost Ruined Jennifer Lawrence's Acting Future
Bella Swan Vs. Katniss Everdeen. 
12 Movies That Totally Did Not Need a Romantic Subplot
12 Movies That Totally Did Not Need a Romantic Subplot
Sometimes love just isn't in the air, even if the screenwriters insist it is.
5 Best Disaster Movies To Tickle Your Nerves With Apocalyptic Vibes
5 Best Disaster Movies To Tickle Your Nerves With Apocalyptic Vibes
World-ending disasters have been a source of inspiration for many filmmakers over the years, resulting in a wide variety of disaster movies, so we've picked five of the best.
5 Comedies To Watch If You Loved No Hard Feelings
5 Comedies To Watch If You Loved No Hard Feelings
A movie night to get your mood up never hurt nobody. 
Weird Lips And Poor Hygiene: Hollywood’s Worst Kissers Revealed
Weird Lips And Poor Hygiene: Hollywood’s Worst Kissers Revealed
How did Brad Pitt and Robert Pattinson come to be on this list?
We Could’ve Had A Completely Different Bella Swan In Twilight (But Lose Katniss Everdeen)
We Could’ve Had A Completely Different Bella Swan In Twilight (But Lose Katniss Everdeen)
The good thing is, everything worked out as it should have. 
Jennifer Lawrence Hated Being Asked to Play Katniss' Grandma in Hunger Games Prequel
Jennifer Lawrence Hated Being Asked to Play Katniss' Grandma in Hunger Games Prequel
Can you imagine the reaction of a 32-year-old Hollywood star when it was suggested she’d play her own teenage character’s grandmother?.. J-Law had to hear it recently.
More Than 300 Actors Are Joining Writers In Their Battle For Justice
More Than 300 Actors Are Joining Writers In Their Battle For Justice
Hollywood faces yet another challenge for the entertainment industry.
No Hard Feelings Director Finally Addresses The Movie's Biggest Controversy
No Hard Feelings Director Finally Addresses The Movie's Biggest Controversy
The comedy could not avoid scandal as it explored sensitive topics.
5 Times When Women Were Grossly Underpaid On The Set Compared To Their Male Co-Stars
5 Times When Women Were Grossly Underpaid On The Set Compared To Their Male Co-Stars
The average woman has to work an extra month and a half to make the same money as a man in the same position, and Hollywood is no exception.
5 Actors With Most Insanely Huge Paychecks For Their Iconic Roles
5 Actors With Most Insanely Huge Paychecks For Their Iconic Roles
From superhero movies to cult sitcoms, these actors have hit the jackpot with their iconic roles.