Virginia Singh

Virginia is one of our newest members of the writing staff. Joining us in March 2023, she quickly got up to speed on all the latest entertainment news and now sees every single update on X (formerly known as Twitter) as an opportunity to write another article.

Humorous and optimistic, she lives for a good sitcom and prides herself on her knowledge of all your favorite 2000s hits. From going behind the scenes of Friends to recalling the best and worst moments of Gilmore Girls.

Although Virginia loves a good laugh, she can appreciate a wide range of TV show genres. Beginning her fandom experience with Glee, she easily embraced the absurdity of Riverdale and the beauty of thoughtful Bridgerton romance. The only thing about television she still cannot accept is the Game of Thrones finale, but House of The Dragon is slowly making her forget the pain HBO once caused her.

To fill the time between premieres of her favorite shows, Virginia keeps up with soap operas. Though the passion she once had for General Hospital's plot twists is fading, she remains the biggest daytime drama advocate in the entire Starterfacts editorial staff.

TBBT Finale Could Be Perfect If It Wasn't For This Annoying Moment
TBBT Finale Could Be Perfect If It Wasn't For This Annoying Moment
This is a prime example of lazy writing.
One Law & Order SVU Unexpected Couple That Fans Could Easily Get Behind (But Will Never Happen)
One Law & Order SVU Unexpected Couple That Fans Could Easily Get Behind (But Will Never Happen)
Unfortunately, they weren't written to be together.
TBBT Raj's Love Interests Ranked From Worst To The One That Should've Been Endgame
TBBT Raj's Love Interests Ranked From Worst To The One That Should've Been Endgame
It's been 4 years since the season finale, but fans still can't believe Raj ended up single.
Hilarious Reason Why Jacaerys Actor Had to Wear That Quirky Wig in HotD
Hilarious Reason Why Jacaerys Actor Had to Wear That Quirky Wig in HotD
Sorry, Harry, all the budget went out on the blonde ones.
Grey's Anatomy Did Callie Dirty On S9, And Fans Are Still Not Over It
Grey's Anatomy Did Callie Dirty On S9, And Fans Are Still Not Over It
It's been 10 years, but they can easily remember it for 10 more years.
One Thing 911 Fans Hope To See In S7, And One They Don't
One Thing 911 Fans Hope To See In S7, And One They Don't
Moving from FOX to ABC can bring a lot of things, both positive and negative at the same time.
General Hospital May Ruin Most Promising Character With Icky and Overused Storyline
General Hospital May Ruin Most Promising Character With Icky and Overused Storyline
Fans are ready to beg the writers to not turn fresh and interesting characters into carbon copies of the old ones.
Julia Roberts Convinced Richard Gere To Do Pretty Woman In the Sweetest Way Possible
Julia Roberts Convinced Richard Gere To Do Pretty Woman In the Sweetest Way Possible
The audience would never see this amazing duo if not for Roberts' undeniable charm.
5 Netflix Shows That Are a Waste of Everyone's Time, According to Critics
5 Netflix Shows That Are a Waste of Everyone's Time, According to Critics
Not even Netflix gets everything right.
Martin Speaks on Writers' Strike Impact on HotD, Conveniently Ignores His Own Unfinished Book
Martin Speaks on Writers' Strike Impact on HotD, Conveniently Ignores His Own Unfinished Book
Looks like someone has gone on his own writers' strike years ago.