One Thing 911 Fans Hope To See In S7, And One They Don't

One Thing 911 Fans Hope To See In S7, And One They Don't
Image credit: Legion-Media

Moving from FOX to ABC can bring a lot of things, both positive and negative at the same time.

All 911 fans were certainly hopeful that their favorite show would be renewed for another season, although many assumed that there would be some sort of change.

A move to ABC didn't come as a surprise to anyone, but rather seemed like a logical solution.

However, fans knew that any solution like this would come with a price, and now they have a whole summer break to figure out what they'll have to give up to have a season 7 at all.

There are some discussions and debates around this topic, as fans are more eager to stand up for their particular favorites.

However, there are some general ideas that the entire fanbase can agree on.

What fans are certainly willing to give up (at least for one season) are Buckley-centric stories. As much as many love him as a character and adore Oliver Stark's performance, his presence in Season 6 was a little too overwhelming for everyone's taste.

Since the show was always meant to be an ensemble show without a specific main character, many would like to see it stay that way.

Making Buck the main character wouldn't feel natural and would mean even less screen time for other beloved characters.

On the other hand, there is something that the audience would love to see, and that is some new characters. Or the reintroduction of someone who hasn't been around for a while.

Everybody loves Buck, Maddie, Chimney, but they seem very overused and overworked when there are a lot of storylines that could be explored.

There is no consensus on who exactly that should be: while some viewers like the idea of getting someone completely new, others think it would be fun to find out more about Eddie's or Bobby's families.

Either way, the audience believes this could be a match for the ABC, as the channel's shows are known for aiming for the long run and constantly introducing new characters in.

As long as the death ratio does not resemble Grey's Anatomy one too much, fans are ready to embrace the change.

For now, you can tune in to FOX on Monday May 15 to not miss 911 season 6 finale.