Critics Call for James Gunn's Head as #FireJamesGunn Trend Takes Off
Critics Call for James Gunn's Head as #FireJamesGunn Trend Takes Off
It was just one tweet by the DC Studios co-boss that has set the DC universe fandom on fire.
Marvel Fans Are Not Okay With Tom Holland Spider-Man's Next Villain
Marvel Fans Are Not Okay With Tom Holland Spider-Man's Next Villain
To be fair, the villain is okay — it's the identity of the web-slinger himself fans have issues with.
Twilight Saved Pattinson From Going Broke After Harry Potter Spending Spree
Twilight Saved Pattinson From Going Broke After Harry Potter Spending Spree
Before the Twilight movie saga sank its teeth into the global box office, its main star was a part of another iconic franchise. 
Drax the Forgotten: Marvel Faces Backlash for Neglecting Beloved Character
Drax the Forgotten: Marvel Faces Backlash for Neglecting Beloved Character
Upset by the Drax's potential death in Guardians of the Galaxy 3, the MCU fans took to Twitter to express their displeasure with the character's nonexistent role in the demise of Thanos.
The Only Harry Potter Movie That Feels More Like a Bad Fanfiction
The Only Harry Potter Movie That Feels More Like a Bad Fanfiction
Some parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows feel like fanfiction created purely to satisfy fans' fantasies.
There Are Only 10 Horror Movies Worth Watching According to Stephen King
There Are Only 10 Horror Movies Worth Watching According to Stephen King
If you're not sure what movies will give you the creeps, here's a list of must-watch flicks from horror master Stephen King himself. These are the films that will make you shiver in your seat.
The Flash Proves to Be Worth the Extra Cash With Record Test-score Ratings
The Flash Proves to Be Worth the Extra Cash With Record Test-score Ratings
Warner Bros. has moved the release date of The Flash up a week from June 23 to June 16, 2023 as the movie got the highest test-score ratings in DCEU history, according to World of Reel. Despite all the controversy, looks like The Flash is very much on point.
James Cameron Won't Back Down: Avatar 2 Will Shut Up Haters
James Cameron Won't Back Down: Avatar 2 Will Shut Up Haters
James Cameron doesn't mince words when addressing Avatar "haters" making the audience question his rage.
Don't Believe the Haters: Avatar's Cultural Impact is Real
Don't Believe the Haters: Avatar's Cultural Impact is Real
The take "Avatar had zero cultural impact" is one that has been making the rounds in certain circles, even pissing Cameron himself off beyond measure, but it's one that is fundamentally flawed and overlooks the many ways in which Avatar has left a lasting impact on popular culture.
You've Been Watching the Star Wars Films Wrong All Along; Here's The Correct Way, According to Lucas
You've Been Watching the Star Wars Films Wrong All Along; Here's The Correct Way, According to Lucas
The Internet disputes on the proper order of watching Star Wars movies are undying in the fandom.