
The Only Harry Potter Movie That Feels More Like a Bad Fanfiction

The Only Harry Potter Movie That Feels More Like a Bad Fanfiction
Image credit: Legion-Media

Some parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows feel like fanfiction created purely to satisfy fans' fantasies.

Harry Potter garnered an enormous global fanbase since the first book was published back in 1997 and gave birth to modern young adult literature and thousands of fanfics written by the series' fans.

Considering that J.K. Rowling wrote the later novels after the first one became popular, it is safe to assume the author had an idea about what the fans wanted or didn't want to find in the books.

Probably that's the reason for many fans remembering the final book when asked which part of the Harry Potter saga felt like a badly written fanfic in one of Reddit discussions.

Some fans shared that while reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, specifically the part that describes Harry and his friends wandering through a forest, they thought the tone shift was too jarring, more fanfiction-like.

"I read a pirated version of the Deathly Hallows when it came out (long story involving a shipping delay and my work schedule). I called a friend to check I wasn't reading a fanfic by accident when they wandered through a forest for 40 pages," one of the fans admitted.

Another fan noted that they actually read a fanfic thinking it was the book, and when they finally had a chance to read Rowling's novel, they were shocked about how close the real thing was to fanfiction.

"My uncle is a tech guy and actually pirated a fanfic and sent it to me thinking it was the real book. It was wild, but a lot of the main points like returning to Godrics Hollow and some other stuff were right so it was bizarre when I got to read the proper book," the fan wrote.

One of the commenters added that they enjoyed the storyline where friends find a safe haven in each other's company and have time to develop their relationship, but then realized that's exactly what a fan would write about.

"I actually enjoyed the camping – the dynamic of the relationship between the trio, the despair, helplessness. It even made some sense to see Ron and Hermione's relationship develop further back then. Or probably those thoughts of mine come across as a bad fanfic," the commenter wrote and added a laughing emoji.