Louise Everitt

Louise is the Senior Editor at Startefacts, a post she grudgingly accepted after lamenting the loss of her on-the-ground reporting gigs. She's been in the trenches with us since 2021, and we can definitely admit we'd be lost without her steadfast optimism and "bring it on" spirit that saw us through some of the murkiest waters in news journalism.

If you hear someone in the office passionately arguing that the Marvel Cinematic Universe ended its relevance with Endgame, that's Louise. She considers herself a Nolanite, finding layers of meaning in Christopher Nolan's cinematic universes that the rest of us mere mortals could only dream of understanding.

Louise is the undisputed queen of dissecting detective shows (her undying hope for SVU's Bensler endgame is the stuff of legends at this point) and shedding tears over sports dramas. The highlight of her journalistic career, according to Louise herself? "The Boys" Season 3 run, especially recapping that whole "Herogasm" episode in all its cringy epicness.

She's not just words, though. Louise is the backbone of Startefacts, ensuring our content is not only entertaining but also reliable and relevant.

She is endowed with an uncanny ability to find humor in the bizarre, courage in the face of absurdity, and, let's be honest, a dose of cringe that keeps us all grounded (hence her love for "The Boys" and "Twilight" franchise apparently.)

Her skills extend beyond journalism into a mastery of deadline juggling, House of the Dragon meme creation, and the ability to fuel herself on coffee and pure determination alone. If you're looking for the emotional core and intellectual backbone of Startefacts, you've found her.

On any given day, you can find her glued to her desk, half-complaining about the chair's lumbar support but secretly relishing her role as the custodian of Startefacts' journalistic integrity. A love-hate relationship with her desk job, perhaps, but we all know she wouldn't have it any other way.

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