10 A-Listers You Didn't Realize Voiced Your Favorite Cartoon Characters
10 A-Listers You Didn't Realize Voiced Your Favorite Cartoon Characters
These A-listers might've slipped under your radar, but their contributions to our favorite animated characters are nothing short of delightful.
15 Supporting Movie Characters Who Outshone the Leads
15 Supporting Movie Characters Who Outshone the Leads
These characters easily stole the show and left the leads in the dust.
10 Films That Tried Too Hard to Be Oscar Bait
10 Films That Tried Too Hard to Be Oscar Bait
These are the films that seemed more intent on attracting golden statues than audiences.
12 Oscar-Nominated Performances That Were Cringeworthy
12 Oscar-Nominated Performances That Were Cringeworthy
Just remember, acting, like any art, is subjective, so one man's cringe might be another man's masterpiece.
Deaf to the Source: 10 Worst Book-to-Film Adaptations
Deaf to the Source: 10 Worst Book-to-Film Adaptations
These movies provide undeniable proof that sometimes, the book is just better left on the page.
Epic Farewell: Top 3 Actors Who Bid Adieu With a Perfect Final Film
Epic Farewell: Top 3 Actors Who Bid Adieu With a Perfect Final Film
Not many actors get to say goodbye to the film industry on time and, more importantly, successfully. 
Salma Hayek Once Begged For A Latino Role, And Still Didn’t Get It
Salma Hayek Once Begged For A Latino Role, And Still Didn’t Get It
Sometimes being Latino doesn't help you get a Latino role.
10 Times the Movie Was Actually Better than the Book (Yes, We Went There)
10 Times the Movie Was Actually Better than the Book (Yes, We Went There)
Sometimes, Hollywood pulls a rabbit out of its hat and churns out a film that's even better than its paperback origin.
11 Movie Characters Who'd Be Unbearable in Real Life
11 Movie Characters Who'd Be Unbearable in Real Life
These characters are the physical embodiment of the phrase, "fun to watch, but wouldn't want to meet."
5 TV Shows Perfect For Summertime Binge-Watching
5 TV Shows Perfect For Summertime Binge-Watching
Oh, to have those summer days spent curled up with your favorite TV show and a pile of food.
5 Comedies To Watch If You Loved No Hard Feelings
5 Comedies To Watch If You Loved No Hard Feelings
A movie night to get your mood up never hurt nobody. 
More Than 300 Actors Are Joining Writers In Their Battle For Justice
More Than 300 Actors Are Joining Writers In Their Battle For Justice
Hollywood faces yet another challenge for the entertainment industry.
15 Movies That Were Better than the Book (Fight Us)
15 Movies That Were Better than the Book (Fight Us)
Yippee-ki-yay all the way.
Jennifer Lawrence Opens Up About The Most Embarrassing Incident On Don't Look Up Set
Jennifer Lawrence Opens Up About The Most Embarrassing Incident On Don't Look Up Set
Not the best look to greet all your favorites. 
10 Child Actors Who Outperformed Their Adult Co-Stars Easily
10 Child Actors Who Outperformed Their Adult Co-Stars Easily
These youngsters didn't just steal the limelight, they ran away with it!
10 Movies Where the Supporting Actor Deserved All the Spotlight
10 Movies Where the Supporting Actor Deserved All the Spotlight
Give it up for the underdogs, the scene-stealers, and the unsung heroes of cinema.
Top 10 Movies Where the Dog Should Have Won an Oscar
Top 10 Movies Where the Dog Should Have Won an Oscar
They might not be able to deliver a thank-you speech or pose on the red carpet, but their performances are undeniably deserving of an Oscar. Plus, gosh darn they cute, right?
What Phoebe Waller-Bridge Has Been Doing Since Fleabag Ended?
What Phoebe Waller-Bridge Has Been Doing Since Fleabag Ended?
Fleabag allowed Phoebe to pursue larger, more ambitious projects.
3 Criminally Underrated Actors We've Been Ignoring For No Reason (One Of Them Even Has an Oscar)
3 Criminally Underrated Actors We've Been Ignoring For No Reason (One Of Them Even Has an Oscar)
When it comes to the cinema, there are a few names that immediately come to mind: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, or Leonardo DiCaprio.
12 Movie Villains We'd Actually Vote For In An Election
12 Movie Villains We'd Actually Vote For In An Election
In the cinematic world, villains often get a bad rap. After all, they're usually the ones causing chaos, threatening world domination, or standing in our heroes' way.