Yellowstone: John's Death is the Only Way to End the Series on a High Note

Yellowstone: John's Death is the Only Way to End the Series on a High Note
Image credit: Legion-Media

How will Yellowstone conclude the series? Could it end with John Dutton's death? These are the types of questions that are floating in the mind of Yellowstone fans as the iconic series inches closer to its final credits.

For now, Yellowstone is entirely safe after just entering its fifth season and with at least one more season planned. However, there will come a time when Yellowstone is retired for good. As such, it's got audience members contemplating how the modern western will conclude.

In season five, John (Kevin Costner ) has accepted the office of Montana Governor while all three children remain in play. Kayce is currently figuring things out with Monica following her tragedy and Beth is up to her usual manipulation with Jamie. It has fans wondering who will end up in possession of the ranch in the end as well as the fate of John Dutton.

According to some fans on Reddit, John's death is the only way to end the series on a high note. Why? The original theory states that having John Dutton die at the end of Yellowstone is the only formidable conclusion.

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For most of the series, John has been preparing to turn over the ranch to the most deserving offspring. Kayce and Beth have battled for domain with Jamie always being a wild card. Of course, there are also frequent outside threats to consider including land developers, government officials, as well as the nearby indigenous people of the Standing Rock Reservation.

However, terminating John Dutton allows audiences to witness how the children behave without him around.

Does Beth falter and wither, like many fans desire? Or does Rip and Beth experience redemption? How about Jamie, shouldn't his loyalty to the family finally get rewarded? Then, there are the original inhabitants of the land to consider. Perhaps selling the ranch is the best alternative, like Beth frequently alludes to throughout the seasons.

The wish for John to die is not a sentiment that is shared by everyone on Reddit. In fact, many posters were quick to counter with a defense. For some, the show would be boring without John Dutton. For others, it just seems like too much of a stretch that Sheridan would be willing to eliminate his biggest star prior to the end of Yellowstone.

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Fans admit that Costner attracts people to Yellowstone and the show wouldn't be the same without him. Rather, they wouldn't mind seeing Beth Dutton get killed first. Or Monica, who has also drawn plenty of hate of late.

Rip Wheeler, ironically, for being married to Beth (and also sharing a child) is not as nearly despised.

In fact, many posters agreed that Rip is the most deserving of the ranch after John is no more. Be that as it may, most predict that Rip (like other members of the family) is destined for a sad ending. As one Redditor summarized: “The entire show is about how the ranch eventually goes on without [John]."