The Worst Thing Each HIMYM Character Did And Got Away With

The Worst Thing Each HIMYM Character Did And Got Away With
Image credit: Legion-Media

Sometimes our love towards favorite characters in each show becomes really unconditional, despite the horrible things they do.

We just can't help it, so we choose to keep a blind eye.

But sometimes it's simply impossible to ignore all the immoral behavior of the beloved characters. Well, when it comes to immoral behavior, sometimes HIMYM characters are the best role models.

If you don't remember, the show is about Ted Mosby and his undoubtedly complicated love life and about 4 of his best friends – Marshall and Lily, Robin and Barney.

Sure, they all love Ted and support him, but frankly, they all have really questionable personalities.

For example, let's start from the power couple of the show, Marshmallow and Lillypad. They manipulated Ted and his life based on their own bat.

So in order to win, each of them forced all the wrong decisions onto him. And ruined many of his relationships on purpose. Would best friends do it? We doubt it.

Still, Ted himself was actually not all that saint. The worst thing he did was actually cheating on his long-distance girlfriend Victoria. Sure, it was with Robin, the actual love of his life, but still adultery is not a thing a good person will commit.

Same goes for Robin. She cheated on Kevin, her ex-therapist-now boyfriend, and never told him that. And what's worse, she did it with Barney… the well-known bastard of the show.

With Barney's behavior, it's not even that easy to find where to start. He made a lot of mess with different women throughout the series, but got away almost every time.

"I sometimes think how many women want to hurt Barney. He might've broken so many marriages by saying your husband is cheating on you! Then say that they should bang each other to get revenge when the husband was faithful," Reddit user Cybear_Tron said.

One more thing we might know about Barney, although it wasn't actually shown in the series, is that… he once sold a woman and got a Mercedes for it from a random Chinese guy...

But for the sake of our soles, let's just hope it was just one of his playbook stories.