The Witcher is Doomed: Fans Demand to Fire Writers as S3 Trailer Has 5-to-1 Dislike Ratio

The Witcher is Doomed: Fans Demand to Fire Writers as S3 Trailer Has 5-to-1 Dislike Ratio
Image credit: Legion-Media

Amid Henry Cavill's exit, fans are outraged: the petition to fire the show's writers has over 300k signatures, and the recent S3 trailer has a 5 to 1 dislike ratio on YouTube.

The Witcher started off great, but it soon became a massive headache for everyone involved.

The writers, the crew, the cast, the audience — everybody's been frustrated over the show for too long by now, and the inner conflict led to the lead actor, Henry Cavill, leaving (or being forced to leave) the project.

The process of The Witcher going downhill that had already been in motion accelerated massively: the vast majority of fans are unhappy with Cavill's quit, and the old-school The Witcher series audience is fuming as for them, the lead actor's attitude towards the source material was something of Holy Grail.

Right now, the fans' frustration is at its peak, as seen with the recent news.

One of the show's fans started a petition to keep Henry Cavill as the Witcher… And fire the series' current writers instead.

As the original petitioner claims, the writers and the showrunner need to be changed as the current ones have shown absolute disrespect to the source material multiple times and even mocked it.

On the other hand, Cavill has always been trying to defend it, and he needs to remain Geralt of Rivia until the show's finale.

The petitioner also provides the quote by Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher's original author: "Just as Viggo Mortensen gave his face to Aragorn, so Henry gave his to Geralt and it shall be forever so."

At the time of writing, over 313k people have already signed the petition.

Another big indication of the audience's discontent is the like count on the recently-launched official The Witcher season 3 trailer on YouTube.

The trailer was posted twelve days ago, and at the time of writing, it has 64k likes and 329k dislikes.

With a quick calculation, we see that there are five times more people who hate the direction the show has taken than the people who seem to enjoy it.

The comment section reveals that the true reasons behind such a reaction are, once again, the discontent with Cavill's departure and Netflix 's attitude towards the series.

Among thousands of like-minded comments, the top-voted viewer summed it up perfectly.

"Respect your actors, respect the source material, respect your audience. Thank you, Henry, you spoke for us all," wrote user Allstar Snave.

Many people put the blame on Netflix, the showrunner, and the writers for ruining their own new big thing for good — and for taking away the perfect Witcher from the audience.

The discontent is not just visible, it's absolutely prevailing among the fans.

It seems that if Netflix's executives don't reconsider their recent decisions and don't listen to the viewers, The Witcher is doomed.

But we've all sensed that coming for a long, long time now, haven't we?
