One Succession Character Doomed For Downfall, According to Fans

One Succession Character Doomed For Downfall, According to Fans
Image credit: Legion-Media

Why Shiv is the most controversial character on the show?

In a Reddit discussion, fans engaged in an argument concerning one specific character — Shiv Roy.

Many fans think of Shiv as the best member of the Roy family, given her "good" values and beliefs. However, many people tend to disagree, as Shiv's intentions often contradict her supposed values.

One of the viewers expressed their frustration regarding the recent episode and the prevailing discourse surrounding Shiv. From their perspective, Shiv embodies the flaws of American liberalism.

They believe she fails to recognize the inherent contradiction between selfishly pursuing her own interests and working for the common good.

Instead of engaging in the necessary effort to fight for her desired outcomes, she consistently positions herself above the conflicts and assumes she is morally superior.

One Succession Character Doomed For Downfall, According to Fans - image 1

Furthermore, the fan argues that Shiv struggles to effectively defend her values and often resorts to clichéd statements about "pluralism" and similar ideas.

Shiv's attempt to appear altruistic is merely a façade to divert attention from her deceitful behavior and feelings of guilt. She's struggling and resorting to desperate measures because she lacks skill in strategic thinking, unlike Kendall.

Sarah Snook herself said the same thing about her character: "It's convenient that it's an altruistic side for her, but let's remember, she's not an altruist."

Ultimately, she brought about her own downfall. If she had chosen a side and remained loyal, even as a disguise, it might have served her better.

However, her disloyalty to others, even when pretending, coupled with her naivety, proved to be her undoing, in some viewers' opinion.

Shiv holds the belief that she's intellectually superior to other players, and they allow her to believe that because they know her pride blinds her.

She lacks any form of planning or strategy. It's disheartening to watch because her overconfidence inevitably leads to her downfall.

This is precisely why Tom is successful. He pretends to be humble, and others fall for it. He understands how to win people's affection and support.

Well, it is just another credit for the creators of the show as they managed to build such controversial characters who can make us love them but at the same time doubt their morality.

Source: Reddit, YouTube