
'Just Frustrated': Harry Potter's Bonnie Wright Finally Reveals Her True Feelings About Ginny

'Just Frustrated': Harry Potter's Bonnie Wright Finally Reveals Her True Feelings About Ginny
Image credit: Warner Bros.

We feel your pain, Bonnie.

The way the Harry Potter movies butchered Ginny Weasley remains the fandom's biggest pain up to this day. As it was with Ron, after the saga was transferred to the big screen, her image became much dimmer than in the books.

Ginny's lines were cut significantly, and the development of her relationship with Harry was generally left in the background. And as a result, instead of the most popular Hogwarts girl, ready for any adventure, the audience saw a classic damsel in distress, who is heroically saved by the main character.

It turns out that the actress who played Ginny, Bonnie Wright, feels the same way as the fans, only she expresses her displeasure in a softer way. In a recent interview, Bonnie finally shared her feelings after years of silence:

“Sometimes that was a little disappointing because there were parts of the character that just didn’t get to come through because there weren’t the scenes to do that. That made me feel a bit anxious or just frustrated.”

The actress also admitted that she was afraid that fans' anger over the lack of character development would be directed at her. However, according to Bonnie, the Potterheads were understanding, realizing that it was not her fault.

J. K. Rowling had a clear story in mind for Ginny. First we got to know her as Ron Weasley's little sister, then she started to show more of herself, until Harry finally fell in love with her.

The movies just jumped from the first moment to the last. The rest of the time, Ginny was always somewhere in the background.

'Just Frustrated': Harry Potter's Bonnie Wright Finally Reveals Her True Feelings About Ginny - image 1

In the Order of the Phoenix book, for example, she was a direct participant in Harry's adventures for almost the entire story. In the movie, she only has a maximum of four lines of dialogue. Even though she's shown a bit more in The Half-Blood Prince, Harry's romantic interest in her still seems to come out of nowhere.

In the two parts of The Deathly Hallows, she spends all of her time away from the Golden Trio, although in the books Harry thought of her constantly, and she was even the last person that came to his mind before he decided to give his life to Voldemort.

Source: Inside of You Podcast (via Screenrant)