Even Hardcore General Hospital Fans Skip All Scenes With These Characters

Even Hardcore General Hospital Fans Skip All Scenes With These Characters
Image credit: ABC

The show would have been a better place without them.

When a series is on air for more than 60 years – it’s only natural you would start to feel closer to some characters and hate some others. Every soap opera follows so many characters and their storylines at once it’s impossible to keep track of all of them and especially to be equally invested in them.

So even the fans of a staple soap opera like General Hospital skip some of the plotlines they find either unworthy of their time or just annoying and boring. Here are a bunch of characters whose appearance on screen would mean an instant nail on a kickboard action.

Marshall Ashford (and the rest of the family)

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Many of the fans have said it over and over again: the Ashfords are boring! Every time viewers see them, they want to fast-forward the episode so as not to get caught up in some lame drama that has almost no relevance to the main story. This tendency is especially common with Marshall...

“I fast forward all Marshall scenes. I think he is the most boring soap character ever. I don't understand why the actor keeps getting nominated for doing almost nothing. I am not saying the actor can't act, I just feel the character does pretty much nothing,” Redditor codyishot said.

Willow Corinthos

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It had been years since fans had pointed out how boring Willow was, and the show's writers had done nothing to change that. Her storyline with Chase was a dull one, even though he was actually fun and had an overall great personality. Making her a couple with Michael did not help either – in fact, things only got worse, as fans argue.

“Willow is boring to me, she has no personality of her own she may as well be a potted plant Michael carries around,” Redditor Siren_Noir said.


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Speaking of Drew, many fans say they don't really care about him and his storylines on the show. Whenever he appears on screen, he brings nothing to the table, and whoever has a scene with him becomes boring as well.

Lately, with all the Willow/Drew shenanigans, viewers have been dreaming that the writers would get rid of them for good by having them run away together or whatever.