Clever Silo Fan Theory Points Out One Detail That Simply Doesn't Add Up (Yet)

Clever Silo Fan Theory Points Out One Detail That Simply Doesn't Add Up (Yet)
Image credit: Legion-Media

The new show has fans asking questions, but there are no answers yet.

Silo is a new AppleTV+ sci-fi show that has already generated a lot of buzz, even though it has only aired the first 4 episodes of the premiere season.

The main characters of the show live in a Silo that was built by some people, in the show they are called "the Founders," for whatever reason. Nobody knows.

There are 10 000 people there who live by strict rules, not even knowing why. They all hide inside, but they are not even aware what outside looks like.

It's actually quite fascinating to follow the show as we witness a kind of "future world" where a simple watch or a Statue of Liberty figurine the size of a thumb are called relics, and are forbidden to have in the Silo world.

And there we met our first main characters, the couple of Allison and Holston. Holston is a local sheriff and Allison works in the IT department.

In the first episodes it becomes clear that they want to conceive a baby, and that is the process that is regulated by the rules. And unfortunately, their attempt to have a baby ends in failure.

That was the first time Allison started asking questions. She was told by the local "mad lady" that the process of having a baby is controlled by the government.

After that she met a computer guy and together they discovered a lot of information about Silo and the outside world.

The thing is, the rulers of Silo always said that they were protected inside the building and that the outside world was a disaster.

But Allison didn't believe that. So she said the words that helped her to check it out for herself. "I want to go out". And according to the rules, whoever says that is sent out immediately.

But there is a precaution. They wear a special uniform before they go out. A huge white kind of space suit that is supposed to protect you out there.

But the fans ask, why even bother, if you are going to die anyway?

When Allison went out, all the people from Silo saw her passing out in a minute. So when several years after that the Sheriff wanted to go out, it didn't seem strange. Everybody understood he just wanted to be with his wife.

But the strangest thing happened after Holston was outside.

Wearing his suit and helmet, he saw the beautiful picture of green grass, flying birds, and a blue sky. Still, in a few minutes, he passed out, just like his wife.

How is that possible when he was wearing the suit that was supposed to help him survive? Good question.

"My theory is that the poison comes from the suit they wear. The Sheriff, even though he ultimately took his helmet off, was exposed to the poison long enough to die. I kept thinking, why do they wear a suit that ostensibly is intended to protect them if the whole point is that they are going to die as soon as they walk outside?" Redditor usmcplz said.

If the air outside is poisonous, wouldn't they last longer than the thirty seconds it takes to pass out?

Did the Sheriff and his wife really die, or did they pass out and wake up with their bodies superimposed on the screen? These are all questions that will hopefully be answered soon.

The new episode, The Janitor's Boy, airs May 26 on Apple TV Plus.