
Biggest Game of Thrones Star Was Disappointed With Spider-Man: No Way Home

Biggest Game of Thrones Star Was Disappointed With Spider-Man: No Way Home
Image credit: Legion-Media

What movie disappointed you the most last year? It is guaranteed, a couple of films that failed to live up to your expectations sprang to your mind. However, the chances that Spider-Man: No Way Home was among them are slim to none.

No Way Home has become a huge hit for Marvel and got hundreds of excellent reviews from critics and satisfied viewers. Bringing together three beloved Spider-Man franchises, the film has given its audience the experience of Multiverse on a level we'd never seen before. Could the touching moments when three Spider-Men characters so dear to the viewers' hearts came together leave anyone indifferent? Turns out, yes, they could, and they did.

Game of Thrones ' Maisie Williams called Spider-Man: No Way Home her personal disappointment of 2021. Arya Stark actress said on her Frank Film Club podcast that the movie "missed a soul" that had been present in the previous films of the franchise. The actress admitted that all in all she loved the reboot and would make sure to watch the next Spider-Man movie, but she felt that the creators of No Way Home got carried away with the idea of the Multiverse and multiple Spider-Man characters.

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When Aunt May died in the movie, Williams caught herself thinking that it didn't bother her much. The actress remembered that the death of Aunt May in the Andrew Garfield franchise was much more distressing and felt more tragic for her.

But with the speed of events in No Way Home, Williams didn't even have time to sense this major death. "Maybe I've changed," the actress added.

To tell the truth, Maisie Williams was not alone in her opinion. There are viewers who think that showing three generations of Spider-Men is great, but not enough to be considered a good movie. Some viewers found that annoying that the movie basically relied on nostalgia for franchises that are not even part of the MCU.

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There were fans who didn't like the concept of Strange's memory spell, the existence of which puts many previous decisions – like not using this spell on Thanos to make him forget about the Infinity Stones – under question. Besides, Maisie's sentiment is shared by fans who didn't recognize Tom Holland 's Peter Parker when he started acting all stupid and annoying out of the blue.