
All the Times Harry Potter Vividly Proved He's Not a Ravenclaw

All the Times Harry Potter Vividly Proved He's Not a Ravenclaw
Image credit: Legion-Media

Harry Potter is undeniably a brilliant wizard... but not brilliant enough to be a part of the Hogwarts house that appreciates wit beyond measure.

One of the four houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ravenclaw is described as the perfect haven for those gifted with intelligence and wit.

Such a definition virtually guarantees that the students assigned to Ravenclaw by the Hat will not go unnoticed.

However, there is no way that Harry Potter would have gotten into that house, and he has proven that many times.

Harry tried to catch a letter from Hogwarts in the air

There were dozens of them on the floor. This is literally something that a Ravenclaw student would never, ever do.

Harry didn't realize Lupin was a werewolf

Remus' name gives away his secret completely – "Lupin" is derived from the Latin "lupinus," which means "of a wolf." Remus is a figure from Roman mythology who was raised by a wolf.

Also, Lupin's Boggart is the full moon, and he consistently missed classes during the full moon. If he was a true Ravenclaw Harry could put two and two together.

Diagon Alley

Potter, instead of pronouncing the name of the destination "Diagon Alley" as plain and clear as Ron's mother had told him to, did the complete opposite saying "Diagonally". Is it such a subconscious craving for trouble?

Children's names

Harry Potter named his kids like some nerd who just finished rereading Harry Potter for the tenth time.

Harry and Ginny named their three children after their friend Luna Lovegood, Harry's late parents, Sirius Black, and the two late Headmasters of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape – Lily Luna, James Sirius and Albus Severus.

Used an unknown spell

While leafing through the Half-Blood Prince's textbook, Harry finds an unknown spell. Next to it was a postscript: for enemies.

A wizard of his age should have put two and two together and realized that such a spell would most likely inflict serious damage on the enemy.

And yet, in an impromptu duel with Draco Malfoy, Harry used this spell, and only Snape, who was nearby, prevented a sad outcome. Honestly? Sounds more like a Slytherin student. The Sorting Hat knew it...

A "surprise" present

It should also be mentioned that in the first movie Harry was surprised that the parcel was a broom Nimbus 2000 when it looked like a broom even when it was wrapped, had terrible trouble writing a page and a half essay, and read the Daily Prophet while being next to Muggles.

So yes, the path to Ravenclaw was definitely closed to Harry Potter.