4 Years Later, Game of Thrones Star Reveals His Frustration with His Character's Ending

4 Years Later, Game of Thrones Star Reveals His Frustration with His Character's Ending
Image credit: HBO

Most of us felt frustrated with GoT’s finale, but for some of the actors, it was a way bigger pain: Lord Varys’s actor, for one, was literally “inconsolable” because of it.

Enough has been said and written about the grand finale of the world’s biggest and most ambitious TV series ever. Game of Thrones was a massive cultural phenomenon, but unfortunately, its ending didn’t live up to anyone’s expectations, and both the cast and the fans were left utterly dissatisfied with it.

Four years have passed since the show’s finale, and as time went by, many cast members had a chance to voice their disappointment out loud one way or another. Some were blunt about it, and others allowed their facial expressions to do the explaining for them, but one thing was always clear: no one was happy in the end.

One of the key actors in Game of Thrones that isn’t talked about too much is Conleth Hill who played the part of Lord Varys also known as the Spider. The smart and cunning spymaster was always there to consult the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and provide them with all the peculiar information about their people and vassals.

4 Years Later, Game of Thrones Star Reveals His Frustration with His Character's Ending - image 1

Lord Varys, however, only ever served the ruler he himself considered to be the true heir. At one point, he left the King’s Landing to join Queen Daenerys Targaryen behind the Narrow Sea; later, as he learned about Jon Snow’s true heritage, he started conspiring against his silver-headed monarch behind her back.

That became his doom: Lord Varys was executed with dragon’s fire…and Conleth Hill was by no means happy with his character’s demise.

“I thought I’d done something wrong. Right up until the last two series, I had no complaints at all. I just felt frustrated with the last couple of series because Varys wasn’t the all-knowing character he had been. I think the writers wanted to do one thing to end it and the studio HBO wanted to do another. I felt that last series was a bit rushed. I was inconsolable,” admitted Hill in his interview with The Times.

We can’t help but feel bad for the actor who did an amazing job at portraying the Spider and obviously grew quite close with his character. Lord Varys’s demise would have definitely been very different if not for the rush of the final episode of Game of Thrones, and it’s a real shame that Conleth Hill left the show like that.

Source: The Times