
3 Star Wars Movies Lies You Probably Never Noticed, Ranked

3 Star Wars Movies Lies You Probably Never Noticed, Ranked
Image credit: Legion-Media

It turns out that fact-checking the things we are told in movies is not the best quality of a true fan.

Each new Star Wars movie brings new revelations to the saga and uncovers the greatest lies of the franchise.

While it is normal for a story to change over the course of a series of films, there are still many lies in the Star Wars movies that are just so obvious, but were never revealed in time.

Here are the three biggest.

3. C-3PO Didn't Know Who Princess Leia Was

In A New Hope, one of the most glaring lies was C-3PO pretending not to know Princess Leia.

He explicitly told R2-D2 that "there will be no escape for the princess this time," and Revenge of the Sith showed that he had been her father's property for nearly 20 years.

But when Luke asked who Leia was, C-3PO said he wasn't sure and thought she might have been a crew member on their last trip.

3 Star Wars Movies Lies You Probably Never Noticed, Ranked - image 1

2. "If Once You Start Down The Dark Path, Forever Will It Dominate Your Destiny"

One thing Yoda was wrong about was that the Dark Side controls one's destiny once one has started down the path.

Anakin proved this wasn't true when he redeemed himself by saving Luke, just as Ben Solo did when he left Kylo Ren behind and gave up his life for Rey.

And the story of the Skywalker family shows that no matter how far you've fallen, it's never too late to turn around and do the right thing.

1. Luke Being The Last Jedi

One more lie from Yoda is there up in front of us. He told Luke that the boy was the last Jedi. But it seems like that wasn't a true thing to say. And there is proof.

Star Wars canon had a few Jedi or former Jedi alive after Return of the Jedi movie, and in his version of the sequel trilogy, Luke would have had more Order 66 survivors.