Blue Bloods About to Pull Another Jamie/Eddie, and Fans Are Disappointed Already
Blue Bloods About to Pull Another Jamie/Eddie, and Fans Are Disappointed Already
No one likes recycled storylines.
This Underrated Fantasy Drama Is an Ultimate Watch for Every Harry Potter & Narnia Fan
This Underrated Fantasy Drama Is an Ultimate Watch for Every Harry Potter & Narnia Fan
It shows what would happen if Harry Potter got into Hogwarts in his twenties.
Sugar Just Revealed Its Biggest Controversial Twist And Fans Hate It
Sugar Just Revealed Its Biggest Controversial Twist And Fans Hate It
And frankly, the fans have every reason to.
General Hospital Fans May Be Done With Carly, but She’s Right About This One Thing
General Hospital Fans May Be Done With Carly, but She’s Right About This One Thing
Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point.
5 American Remakes that Outshine Their British Original Shows
5 American Remakes that Outshine Their British Original Shows
These remakes totally justify their existence.
Why Was Game of Thrones' Faceless Man Scared When Arya Named Jaqen H'Ghar?
Why Was Game of Thrones' Faceless Man Scared When Arya Named Jaqen H'Ghar?
The Faceless Man Arya met at Harrenhal wasn’t Jaqen H’Ghar — and yet, he was terrified when she told him this name. Why would he react like that if he was safe?
NCIS’ Jaw-Dropping Season 2 Plot Twist Changed It All Completely, Fans Say
NCIS’ Jaw-Dropping Season 2 Plot Twist Changed It All Completely, Fans Say
One character’s shocking fate completely turned the tables.
Jim Parsons Felt Like He Needed a Therapist After Working With His Character’s Idol
Jim Parsons Felt Like He Needed a Therapist After Working With His Character’s Idol
Turns out that Sheldon Cooper wasn’t the only one to be starstruck.
This Unexpected Gilmore Girls Pairing Would Make Much More Sense That Canon Did
This Unexpected Gilmore Girls Pairing Would Make Much More Sense That Canon Did
The show’s legacy lives on in the strangest forms.
A Secret Behind Stabler and Benson Origins Even SVU Superfans Don’t Know
A Secret Behind Stabler and Benson Origins Even SVU Superfans Don’t Know
Only Dick Wolf could pull that off.