Dean Black

Dean is a News Writer for Startefacts. Officially, anyway, since it's hard to keep him off other types of articles when he becomes excited. Adept to all things big and small-screen, Dean lives in his carefully set-up news feed to stay on top of any updates while simultaneously rewatching his favorite shows for the hundredth time.

An avid Harry Potter and Game of Thrones fan, he is always lurking on various fan forums in search of interesting theories or obnoxiously hot takes. Any time of the day, Dean is eager to explain why Grindelwald is superior to Voldemort in every way and how D&D's questionable decisions could fit into GRRM's lore (with effort).

Realistically, something doesn't need to be magical to hook him: as long as it's a movie, a TV show, or a video game, consider him interested.

Better yet, if he can blend a few topics into one and then compile a must-watch film list for the true connoisseurs of some half-forgotten genre like cyberpunk, neo-noir, western, or vampire novels.

When Dean can't be found among his fellow fantasy enjoyers, it typically means that he locked the door and indulges himself in one of his guilty pleasure TV shows — Blue Bloods, Chicago Fire, Friends, HIMYM, and others. Or, perhaps, he's rapidly spamming the refresh button on Box Office Mojo, ready to jump straight to writing.

10 Most Epic Movies of All Time That Are Certified Larger Than Life
10 Most Epic Movies of All Time That Are Certified Larger Than Life
Reject the mundane, embrace the epic! These iconic movies will give you goosebumps, adrenaline rush, and an irresistible desire to achieve greatness immediately.
10 Iconic TV Shows That Broke the Curse and Had Great Finales
10 Iconic TV Shows That Broke the Curse and Had Great Finales
Many TV shows fumble their endings and get millions of fans upset or infuriated with poorly crafted finales — but these gems managed to outdo themselves at the end.
Are the Brotherhood of Steel the Good Guys in the Fallout Universe or Not?
Are the Brotherhood of Steel the Good Guys in the Fallout Universe or Not?
If you’re new to the Fallout franchise, you must be wondering whether Maximus’ faction is considered good or evil. Here’s all you need to know.
Overlooked 2018 Sci-Fi Western Flick Made Pedro Pascal a Reluctant Father Before The Mandalorian
Overlooked 2018 Sci-Fi Western Flick Made Pedro Pascal a Reluctant Father Before The Mandalorian
Before the real Pedro Pascal hype began with The Mandalorian, the actor was already dealing with a child he didn’t order on his hands in a hostile environment.
These 10 Boring Main Characters Are the Worst Part of Their Iconic Films
These 10 Boring Main Characters Are the Worst Part of Their Iconic Films
However iconic they and their movies are, these famous protagonists are just plain boring. Today, we choose violence and finally call out some huge names.
Why Did Quentin Tarantino Call This 91%-Rated Hitchcock Thriller ‘A Piece of Crap?’
Why Did Quentin Tarantino Call This 91%-Rated Hitchcock Thriller ‘A Piece of Crap?’
Ain’t no one getting a perfect reputation if Tarantino has something to say about it.
‘Best New Sci-Fi Show’ Made by Brad Pitt Finally Returns with Season 2 & Kills It Once More
‘Best New Sci-Fi Show’ Made by Brad Pitt Finally Returns with Season 2 & Kills It Once More
Get ready for another round of mystery-hunting in the Wyoming wilderness.
8 Hot Fan Takes on Chicago Fire Perfect for Starting a Fight in Firehouse 51
8 Hot Fan Takes on Chicago Fire Perfect for Starting a Fight in Firehouse 51
We’re not saying we support these fan takes, but they’re definitely enough to make a fire. Get it?
Stranger Things S5 Might Take the Worst Page Out of Marvel's Book, S4 Clues Hint
Stranger Things S5 Might Take the Worst Page Out of Marvel's Book, S4 Clues Hint
The setup for the TV show’s worst decision ever seems more obvious by the day.
After This Bold 1997 Movie, Brad Pitt Was Banned from China for Almost 20 Years
After This Bold 1997 Movie, Brad Pitt Was Banned from China for Almost 20 Years
Brad Pitt’s classic movie upset the Chinese government so much he and his colleagues were specifically prohibited from entering the country afterwards.