Aaren Gimenez

As a 90s kid, I got some strong (and rather conflicting) opinions about 'Star Wars', that I pour into writing occasionally. DM me on Twitter @AarenGimenez if you wanna grumble with me about Disney ruining 'Star Wars' as we speak.

12 Must-See TV Series Based on Best-Selling Novels
12 Must-See TV Series Based on Best-Selling Novels
When people see movies based on a book, they think about how they fit the full-length novel in under two hours of screen time and what parts of the narrative had to be excluded.
This New 91% Rotten Tomatoes Crime Drama Is Your Best Choice On Apple TV+
This New 91% Rotten Tomatoes Crime Drama Is Your Best Choice On Apple TV+
Worthy British drama to check out. 
I Rewatched The Big Bang Theory, and Bernadette Is My Favorite Now
I Rewatched The Big Bang Theory, and Bernadette Is My Favorite Now
The only sane one among them.
These 10 K-Dramas Take 'Slow Burn' to a Whole New Level
These 10 K-Dramas Take 'Slow Burn' to a Whole New Level
Sometimes you're watching a romance show and the tension between the characters is so palpable, the relationship development feels so organic, and at one moment you wanna shout "Just kiss already!" at your screen — but they don't, they keep dancing around each other and drive you deeper into frustration. 
10 Must-Watch Japanese Dramas of 2023, If You've Seen All Korean Ones
10 Must-Watch Japanese Dramas of 2023, If You've Seen All Korean Ones
If you're already accustomed to the world of K-Dramas, then we have something that would expand it: the whole world of J-Dramas.
7 Actors Who Nearly Starred in Game of Thrones but Didn't Make the Cut
7 Actors Who Nearly Starred in Game of Thrones but Didn't Make the Cut
The Game of Thrones became a cultural phenomenon as one of the shows that changed the game for TV series, and lots of actors wanted to become a part of it.
The 7 Marvel Series That Are Must-Watches, Ranked
The 7 Marvel Series That Are Must-Watches, Ranked
When the current generation of Marvel started expanding to TV, it was a blast: more lore for those who like delving deep into it, more stories for those who just want to follow their favorite characters, and more funny cameos for casual viewers.
12 Animated Movies That Scare More Than Your Average Horror Film
12 Animated Movies That Scare More Than Your Average Horror Film
Who said that animation is only for the kids? If you believe that, then try to finish watching some of the animated movies from this list without ending up scarred for the rest of your life.
15 Must-See Miniseries for Historical Drama Fans
15 Must-See Miniseries for Historical Drama Fans
Forget Bridgerton spin-off, these series are true hidden gems.
Top 15 Cult Classic Teen Movies of the 90s, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes
Top 15 Cult Classic Teen Movies of the 90s, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes
Well, hello there, Stifler's mom.