Aaren Gimenez

As a 90s kid, I got some strong (and rather conflicting) opinions about 'Star Wars', that I pour into writing occasionally. DM me on Twitter @AarenGimenez if you wanna grumble with me about Disney ruining 'Star Wars' as we speak.

6 Box Office Bombs That Are Not-So-Secretly Great Movies
6 Box Office Bombs That Are Not-So-Secretly Great Movies
Hollywood's obsession with money and profitability has been a curse on both directors and fans for almost a hundred years at this point, and it doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon.
15 Times Actors Nearly Lost It Because of Method Acting
15 Times Actors Nearly Lost It Because of Method Acting
While most Hollywood actors approach their profession as a regular job, reciting some words in front of the camera to collect their paychecks, a few of them treat acting as something more than just an easy way to make money and win some awards.
Move Over, Geralt: 7 Side Characters So Iconic They Outshined the Leads
Move Over, Geralt: 7 Side Characters So Iconic They Outshined the Leads
Everyone loves to follow a great protagonist, but there's no denying that even the best-written lead characters can't make a movie or show great without believable supporting characters.
10 Times Hollywood Stars Sold Out So Hard, It Hurt
10 Times Hollywood Stars Sold Out So Hard, It Hurt
The movie industry for a very long time has been focusing more on the profits of the whole production than on the art itself, and while most projects can blend these two ideas together, others are a bit too blatantly proclaiming themselves as plain cash grabs, at least for the actors starring in them.
10 Oscar-Winning Movies That Feel Borderline Problematic in 2024
10 Oscar-Winning Movies That Feel Borderline Problematic in 2024
The Oscars ceremony is a product of its time, and the winners of the award reflect the era perfectly.
These 15 90s Thrillers Will Mess With Your Head More Than Fight Club Did
These 15 90s Thrillers Will Mess With Your Head More Than Fight Club Did
The 90s are known for lots of direct-to-video movies, and some of them went a little bit under the radar because they didn't get the hype that the theatrical release could've given them.
10 Must-Watch Thrillers on Prime to Stream in February 2024
10 Must-Watch Thrillers on Prime to Stream in February 2024
Prime is a great service if you want to have your dose of suspense and thrill.
7 Great Shows You've Never Heard Of Because They Only Lasted 1 Season
7 Great Shows You've Never Heard Of Because They Only Lasted 1 Season
The entertainment industry is, first and foremost, an industry, and entertainment comes second, so a lot of shows that had promising plots but performed badly ended up canceled way too soon.
20 Timeless Korean Dramas Every New Fan Should Watch
20 Timeless Korean Dramas Every New Fan Should Watch
Welcome to a whole new world of storytelling.
Forget Interstellar, These 10 Anime Are Why Hollywood Sci-Fi Looks Boring
Forget Interstellar, These 10 Anime Are Why Hollywood Sci-Fi Looks Boring
The genre is more diverse than you think it is.