Saw X Can Only Succeed Under One Condition
Saw X Can Only Succeed Under One Condition
John Kramer is back, but will it be enough to save the franchise?
The 10 Best Ensemble Casts in Movie History, Ranked
The 10 Best Ensemble Casts in Movie History, Ranked
The cast alone could sell the movie to you.
Looks Like Secret Invasion Is the First MCU Project Everyone Agrees Is Bad
Looks Like Secret Invasion Is the First MCU Project Everyone Agrees Is Bad
Secret Invasion nailed only one thing: it brought all the fans together.
Secret Invasion Turned Out To Be A Very Expensive Flop, And No One Gets Why
Secret Invasion Turned Out To Be A Very Expensive Flop, And No One Gets Why
Is there any way to save MCU after this?
The 10 Worst Superhero Movies That We All Love to Hate
The 10 Worst Superhero Movies That We All Love to Hate
These are superhero flicks so bad they're good... or are they?
Yet Another Opportunity Taken Away From Samuel L. Jackson By MCU
Yet Another Opportunity Taken Away From Samuel L. Jackson By MCU
You can take away Wakanda, but taking away f–bombs is way too much.
One Place Samuel L. Jackson Desperately Wants Nick Fury To Go (Disney, Take Notes)
One Place Samuel L. Jackson Desperately Wants Nick Fury To Go (Disney, Take Notes)
Perhaps some actors could get a little more creative freedom. 
9 Directors Who Love Casting the Same Actors Over and Over Again
9 Directors Who Love Casting the Same Actors Over and Over Again
These dynamic duos gave us a nearly-infinite list of cinematic masterpieces.
8 Movie Scenes That Were Way More Important Than You Realized
8 Movie Scenes That Were Way More Important Than You Realized
Adding another layer to the already-complex idea.
Emilia Clarke Denounces The Stigma Of Green Screen Acting
Emilia Clarke Denounces The Stigma Of Green Screen Acting
The actress brought up the unfair prejudice that such a technique doesn't require any acting skills.
The Comic Book Movie That Foreshadowed Chris Pratt’s Iconic Star-Lord Role
The Comic Book Movie That Foreshadowed Chris Pratt’s Iconic Star-Lord Role
Apparently, Star-Lord's first taste of the big screen was in another comic book movie.
It's About Time To Give These 5 Forgotten Gems Of the 90s Cinema a Second Chance
It's About Time To Give These 5 Forgotten Gems Of the 90s Cinema a Second Chance
Can you believe we actually lost these treasures?
MCU Characters Ranked By Number of Their Appearances On Screen (You'll Never Guess Who's First)
MCU Characters Ranked By Number of Their Appearances On Screen (You'll Never Guess Who's First)
Who are those heroes who have been stealing the spotlight?
10 Iconic Movie Quotes That Make No Sense Out of Context
10 Iconic Movie Quotes That Make No Sense Out of Context
Next time you're about to drop a classic line, make sure you're not leaving your audience more puzzled than impressed.
Marvel Goes to Extreme Lengths to Protect Set Secrets, Samuel L. Jackson Reveals
Marvel Goes to Extreme Lengths to Protect Set Secrets, Samuel L. Jackson Reveals
There is no place for secret invaders on set.
Nick Fury Had It the Hardest after the Blip, and Secret Invasion Explains Why
Nick Fury Had It the Hardest after the Blip, and Secret Invasion Explains Why
Secret Invasion’s first episode has just been released, and it’s everything we wanted and more.
Most Exciting Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 1 You May Have Missed
Most Exciting Easter Eggs in Secret Invasion Episode 1 You May Have Missed
If you were too excited to pay attention to details, don't worry, we've got your back.
Samuel L. Jackson Not Holding Back On Internet Trolls Coming For Brie Larson: 'Incel Dudes,’ Beware
Samuel L. Jackson Not Holding Back On Internet Trolls Coming For Brie Larson: 'Incel Dudes,’ Beware
It’s always nice to have someone ready to watch your back. 
Is Secret Invasion Marvel's Biggest Failure Ever?
Is Secret Invasion Marvel's Biggest Failure Ever?
We honestly expected Secret Invasion to be the new amazing breakthrough for Marvel, but it turned out to be one of its worst projects in the last 15 years. Yikes.
Okay, But Why Did Marvel Straight Up Ignore Everyone's Favorite Character in Black Panther Movies?
Okay, But Why Did Marvel Straight Up Ignore Everyone's Favorite Character in Black Panther Movies?
For some reason, one of the MCU's omniscient characters never caught on to the events of the Black Panther movies.