Worst Thing Leonard Has Ever Done on The Big Bang Theory

Worst Thing Leonard Has Ever Done on The Big Bang Theory
Image credit: CBS

Leonard Hofstadter may be the resident good guy of the Big Bang Theory crew, but that didn't stop him from doing a few horrible things throughout the show's twelve-season run.

Fans have decided that the worst thing he'd ever done was cheating on Penny, the girl he'd loved ever since the pilot aired.

The moment came to light as a Season 8 cliffhanger. The two of them were driving to Las Vegas to get married, a moment eight years in the making. It's been a long time of on-again, off-again, so this is an exciting moment for the characters and the fans.

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The excitement quickly fades when Leonard tells Penny he kissed another woman while on an expedition in the North Sea. Not only did he break his future wife's trust, but he waited to tell her until the worst possible moment. Many fans found this unforgivable.

Penny wasn't the only love interest that Leonard cheated on. After dating Priya Koothrappali – Raj's sister – for a good part of Seasons 4 and 5, he kisses comic-loving Alice.

Fans pointed out the hypocrisy in Leonard, who constantly felt insecure about Penny spending time with any men because of her habitual sleeping around when single. Yet he's now cheated on two separate women.

Leonard cheating on Penny was one of the most hated storylines of the show, and some fans continue to despise the character because of it. But this certainly wasn't the only time he'd shown questionable morals.

Between Seasons 2 and 3, Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, and Howard are on a three-month research trip at the North Pole. Sheldon returns home triumphantly, believing he's proven string theory and "forever changed man's understanding of the universe."

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He even emailed all of his colleagues with the exciting news. It's soon revealed to be an elaborate lie set up by Leonard; he used static from an electric can opener to give his equipment false evidence. Sheldon was being an "obnoxious dictator" according to Howard, so they needed some way to get him off their backs. On top of the issue of scientific ethics, he blatantly lied to his best friend.

While Leonard did do a couple of horrible things throughout the show, the majority of the time, he proves himself to be a pretty good guy. He's kind to Sheldon, even if he occasionally mocks him. He's always proud of his friends' accomplishments. And while he made a terrible decision in cheating on the love of his life, he's always proven himself to be a loving companion to Penny.