Will Beth Ever Get a Redemption Arc on Yellowstone?

Will Beth Ever Get a Redemption Arc on Yellowstone?
Image credit: Paramount

There is no question that Beth (Kelly Reilly) is the most unlikeable character after four seasons of Yellowstone (and a fifth season quickly approaching on November 13). Fans have been voicing as much on popular communities like Reddit as they gear up for the next season.

Of course, anticipation for the new season has ignited plenty of discussion. There are debates over which twists and turns season five will take, including the directions of the various members of the Dutton family. John is preparing to take the Governor's seat in Yellowstone while Jamie (Wes Bentley) has his own demons to avoid. He's been clashing with his younger sister practically since the series began and, considering the new leverage Beth has over Jamie from the train station, the relationship isn't likely to improve anytime soon.

Beth has always resented the sterilization that flipped her life upside down. Furthermore, Beth's held a grudge over how she was treated by her late mother (despite her father's obvious nepotism). As such, she's always acted with a vengeance, something that hasn't been popular with viewers.

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In fact, it's been a recurring discussion on Reddit, including the projected arc the character will take in season five of Yellowstone.

As one user reminded, there are generally two different perspectives on Beth. You either love her or hate her. There really isn't a happy medium. Beth is designed for audiences to savor or find despicable.

However, the general attitude on Reddit is that the writers are interjecting Beth far too much in the series, so much that it's souring or ruining the momentum of the show. It's true, Beth was on an absolute war path last season. The actress, Kelly Reilly also didn't hold back when discussing the antagonist with Entertainment Tonight.

Nevertheless, most Redditors do not anticipate a redemption arc for Beth. Several users noted that they think it will be the opposite as Beth is quickly trapping herself in a corner. Indeed, it does appear that justice is finally coming and that Beth or Jamie have backed themselves into a hole even the family cannot save them from. Thus, audiences are expecting (or at least hoping) that Jamie is redeemed, compared to Beth.

Despite the hate, not everyone loathes the character. For example, one commenter mentioned how it's possible to neither love nor hate Beth. Rather, the unpredictableness of her actions drives much of the drama in Yellowstone. Sure, Beth may be a greedy sociopath, but it's also what maintains the family's interests as well as pleases the eldest Dutton (Kevin Costner ).

Needless to say, fans of Yellowstone are not anticipating that season five grants Beth any redemption. There are arguments about the blackmail at the train station coming back to haunt her later in season five.

Do you think that will be the case or will Beth finally become likable? Who wins in the showdown between Jamie and Beth in season five?