Why Game of Thrones' Most Powerful Character Didn't Want to Be King?

Why Game of Thrones' Most Powerful Character Didn't Want to Be King?
Image credit: Legion-Media

Aren't they all power-hungry warmongers? Turns out, not really.

Tywin is the head of House Lannister, one of the most dominant families in the Seven Kingdoms. The Lord of Casterly Rock is a master strategist and a skilled politician. Despite his many talents, Tywin had no desire to sit on the Iron Throne.

This may seem strange to some viewers, as the Iron Throne is the ultimate symbol of power in the Seven Kingdoms. However, Tywin has his own reasons for not wanting to be King.

One of the main things is that the Lion doesn't believe in the concept of monarchy. Lord Lannister sees the Iron Throne as a symbol of tyranny and oppression, and he doesn't want to be associated with it.

He believes the Seven Kingdoms should be ruled by the best person for the job, not the person with the most royal blood.

Tywin already had a great example in his mad grandson Joffrey, who literally broke alliances with the stroke of a sword.

Only skill and cunning helped him to avoid a disaster. Though it should be noted that the careless boy in the crown was afraid of his grandfather and could not defy him.

Why Game of Thrones' Most Powerful Character Didn't Want to Be King? - image 1

And many fans agree. They say that the Lion doesn't need to be king if he controls the king.

Tywin also understands the responsibility that comes with the position. Being king is not an easy job, and it requires a great deal of sacrifice and dedication.

The Lannister knows that if he were to become ruler, he would have to put the needs of the Seven Kingdoms ahead of his own desires.

Although the Lord of Casterly Rock was not a king, there's no denying that he was one of the most powerful figures in Westeros.

And if it wasn't for the toilet accident where Tyrion caught his father in the latrine, no one knows how the history of the Seven Kingdoms would have unfolded.

Source: Reddit