Why Does General Hospital Team Keep 3-Year-Old Drinks On Set?

Why Does General Hospital Team Keep 3-Year-Old Drinks On Set?
Image credit: ABC

This is an actual biohazard in the making.

If you know anything about any filming set, you know how chaotic they may become. Whether that is the filming of a Hollywood blockbuster with an enormous budget and a cast full of A-listers, or an indie production of a music video, the schedule is usually very tight, the lighting refuses to work, and there are people slacking off their job duties.

However, with the amount of content that soaps have to put out on TV to be profitable for the network, the cast and crew members behind them have to work about twice as hard. That makes soap opera sets both much more fast-paced and much more disciplined. Add a very tight budget to that, and you’ll get the toughest conditions of all possible productions.

Although all the people who had an opportunity to sneak around General Hospital ’s set, whether they are extras, invited reporters, or bloggers, notice how dedicated and straight-to-business everybody on the team is, they also can’t help but notice more bizarre details.

One that particularly caught the eye of blogger Elayna Fernandez from The Positive Mom blog, who paid a visit to the set as a huge fan of the show, was the set of Port Charles’ most prestigious spot, Metro Court Restaurant. Turns out, reality isn’t all that glamorous at all:

“Up close it looks quite beat up – TV cameras sure hide all the imperfections! The bar features drinks that are at least 3 years old. <...> The food in the vending machines is even older than the bar drinks. They place stickers on the packages to cover up the actual brands,” she noted.

Luckily, there is no way somebody on set actually consumes any of the food and drinks that Fernandez mentioned in her post. When the actors do have to take a drink as part of their scene, they replace it with either tea, ginger ale, or a watered-down soda of any other kind. Everything else is just the power of acting and TV magic.

If you want to try and break the charms and look for other details that may be available for the viewers’ eye through the screen, you can tune in to General Hospital Monday through Friday on ABC.

Source: The Positive Mom Blog