Who Is The Best Roommate From Friends, According to Fans?

Who Is The Best Roommate From Friends, According to Fans?
Image credit: Legion-Media

Choosing a roommate has never been easier.

Friends ended 19 years ago, but still has an impact on today's generation as the show that represents almost the best TV portrayal of friendship ever.

The show's main characters, the group of 6 friends, are actually quite unique characters with a mix of different personality traits.

In the beginning, we see everyone divided into the smaller roommate groups of two. Well, almost all of them.

Chandler lives with Joey, Monica used to live with Phoebe in an apartment across the hall, but Phoebe moved out and got her own place. So when Rachel joined the gang, she ended up being Monica's roommate.

Then there is Ross, who is still married when we first meet him. But then the first divorce happened... and the rest is history.

But in the course of the series, almost all six of them ended up being each other's roommates for some time. For example, Rachel lived with Joey, Phoebe and Ross at different times.

Reddit, however, tried to decide just which one of them all would have been the best roommate in real life? Well, the answers were quite different.

Many fans said that Rachel is the best because she is chill and works in fashion. But then at the same time, she is pretty lazy and not so accurate, so living with her might also be challenging.

A lot of fans said that living with Chandler or Phoebe would be the best option out of all.

"I think maybe Chandler or Phoebe, because both are easygoing but not too much, I think it would be easy to share responsibilities with them and living with them would mostly be a smooth sailing. Both are also very fun to be around," Redditor blackhoodsbitch said.

Actually, there were a lot of comments in favor of Chandler. The main point was that he's portrayed in the show as the one who will divide the financial costs in a way that includes everyone's income. And that's an important point in the roommate position.

But it seems like the winner of the impromptu Internet competition is Monica.

"Monica, she's so considerate and caring. Which is why she cleans to begin with. She wants everyone to be safe. It's also pretty normal for chefs to care about health standards. Monica for the win! I also love the nerdy parties she throws," Redditor These_Ad_3502 said.

Fans ruled that she's a great friend, she's funny and good-looking (well, it's not a crime to want a pretty roommate, is it?). And of course, her willingness to keep the place clean doesn't seem like a crazy thing if you're not a little piggy yourself.

So it seems that we have set the gold standard for a roommate?