
Which Harry Potter Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Harry Potter Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
Image credit: Legion-Media

Astrology-loving Potterheads, we know you are lurking out there, and we have another gem for you!

Which Harry Potter character are you? Tag yourself and all that.

Fred & George Weasley (Aries)

Off to a good start. Coincidentally born on April 1, the twins are the perfect embodiment of the Aries zodiac sign.

Their fiery and passionate personalities make them the logical successors of the Marauders.

Aries are bold initiators, and the Weasley twins show off their natural Aries-ness when they get sick and tired of Umbridge and pull the ultimate prank to drop out of school.

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Horace Slughorn (Taurus)

With his hedonistic and relaxed nature, Professor Slughorn is a textbook Taurus.

Born on April 28, he is stubborn – remember how long it took Harry to get the real memories out of him?

That wasn't easy. Horace is hardworking, dedicated, and intelligent, and it is all of these qualities that make him a good Potions Master and help him fool the Death Eaters long enough to stay alive.

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Draco Malfoy (Gemini)

Do we even need to explain this one? Young Malfoy was born on June 5, and he couldn't be a more typical Gemini if we ever saw one.

He is flexible (duh, he has to be to balance between the Dark Lord's side hustle and school stuff) and clever (hate him all you want, the kid's got brains).

Unfortunately, like most Geminis, Draco is impulsive and indecisive, which ultimately dooms him as a Death Eater.

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Dobby (Cancer)

Born on June 28, our fave house-elf is the best representation the Cancer sign can get.

He is devoted and willing to go to great lengths for the people he loves (even if it means dying to protect them).

Dobby is also hyper-emotional and temperamental (remember how quickly he starts punishing himself for saying "bad things" about his master and family?), but we love him anyway!

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Harry Potter (Leo)

The Chosen One's birthday is famously July 31, and he is a natural Leo-der.

Like any Leo, Harry is confident, loyal, ambitious (almost to the point of being a Slytherin), and generous (if he could, he would give the Weasleys his entire bank account).

However, he can be jealous sometimes too – Dean Thomas is lucky not to have experienced this first-hand!

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Hermione Granger (Virgo)

This girl is responsible for a whole generation of Virgos realizing their worth and potential. Born on September 19, Hermione is a stereotypical perfectionist Virgo.

She is hardworking (it's not easy to be top of her class), reliable (the boys wouldn't have survived the first year without her), and patient (she has to be as being friends with Harry and Ron really requires it).

The brightest witch of her age is stubborn and insecure at times though (when Harry beat her in Potions class, Hermione was so sore!).

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Minerva McGonagall (Libra)

The badass Head of Gryffindor was born on October 4, which makes her a Libra.

Honest (sometimes brutally), intelligent, and probably the most well-balanced character in the whole saga, McGonagall can keep her cool in the face of danger coming from either Voldemort or rowdy students.

She also tends to avoid conflict when possible (even when she strongly disagreed with Dumbledore on where Harry Potter should stay for the next 10 years).

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Sirius Black (Scorpio)

Scorpios, this is your time to shine. Padfoot is here to redeem your reputation! Born on November 3, Sirius is the quintessential Scorpio.

He is determined, brave, and loyal (which is why he is also a Gryffindor and a member of the Order of the Phoenix).

Unfortunately, resentment (toward Snape) and jealousy (of the other members who get to go on important missions) are the two traits that lead to his tragic death in the end.

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Rubeus Hagrid (Sagittarius)

The Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts was born on December 6 (classic Sagittarius!).

Hagrid is an optimistic (sometimes even absurdly so) extrovert who is loyal and compassionate to practically everyone around him (we need more people like Hagrid in our lives, to be honest).

He is one-of-a-kind (and we love him for it), but this sweet half-giant can be reckless – his love of dangerous animals has put people in danger more than once.

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Voldemort (Capricorn)

It is not a good day to be a Capricorn (sorry, folks).

Born on December 31, Voldemort has all the typical traits of his zodiac sign – ambition, determination, and strength (unfortunately, he uses them all wrong).

Like any Capricorn, the Dark Lord loves his cozy friend group and tends to keep the people in his life to a minimum (at least until he needs thousands of troops to win a war).

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Luna Lovegood (Aquarius)

When you think of the word "unique," we bet this Aquarius comes to mind. Luna was born on February 13, and she is a proud representative of her zodiac sign.

This Ravenclaw is artistic (her style is *chef's kiss*), upbeat (she shares her optimism with Harry when he needs it most), and loyal (Luna would have made a great Hufflepuff too!).

She can be impulsive and is definitely absent-minded, but usually for a good cause!

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Ron Weasley (Pisces)

Weasley is our king! Born on March 1, Ron is not your typical Pisces – he is not as emotionally aware (Hermione has something to say about that) or sensitive.

However, our fave redhead does share qualities with other Pisces, such as compassion and a good imagination (he couldn't have won so many chess matches without his creativity).

Ron can be lazy and greedy at times, but the good news is that his sign is still very compatible with Virgo (whatever anyone says, Ron and Hermione are a match made in heaven, and you can't convince us otherwise).

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Can you relate to your Harry Potter sign buddy?