
What If We Told You That Ron Is Now the True Owner of the Elder Wand?

What If We Told You That Ron Is Now the True Owner of the Elder Wand?
Image credit: Legion-Media

In the final book, Harry makes his wand whole again with the help of the Elder Wand and then puts it back to rest with Dumbledore. Have you ever thought that this might not mark the end of the most powerful wand's history of ownership?

Harry makes this symbolically touching gesture to end the wand's bloody trail with him as its last owner. He may not have succeeded!

Canon says that the Elder Wand can be acquired in a number of ways: it can be won in a duel, or stolen from its owner. The wand seems to have a consciousness of its own, and it determines what defeat means on a case-by-case basis.

For instance, Grindelwald didn't disarm Gregorovitch, he just stole the wand from his workshop in the middle of the night (he did cast a Stunning Spell to become the wand's master, and for some reason, it worked).

This is not the only weird case of a wizard getting hold of the wand.

Draco disarmed Dumbledore and became the wand's owner for a brief period of time (though he never actually used it), even though Snape was the one who sent Avada Kedavra the headmaster's way.

Then, in the Malfoy Manor, Harry took Draco's own wand by force in a physical fight – yet the Chosen One came into possession of the Elder Wand, even though it was not physically present at the time.

Given that this Deathly Hallow changes allegiance much more easily than other wands, it is safe to say that Ron can now be its master.

Imagine this: years pass by, the Elder Wand lies with Dumbledore, Harry continues using his phoenix-feather-core wand all this time, and he is an Auror.

Not to mention the fact that he could have been disarmed a hundred times on the job, and anyone could now possess the Elder Wand.

No, it could be even simpler than that. Harry and Ron could have played another game of chess (even the very next day after the events of the last book), and Ron could have won (we know how good he is!).

Does this mean that Ron would become the Elder Wand's master? It is highly likely!

Technically, beating someone at chess is a form of defeat, and Ron is definitely better at it than Harry, so there is a 99.9% chance that our fave redhead is now one-third Master of Death (it is not the title of Head Boy or Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, but, hopefully, it makes him feel special enough!).