We Could Have Seen Rami Malek's Twin in Mr. Robot

We Could Have Seen Rami Malek's Twin in Mr. Robot
Image credit: Legion-Media

Did you know that Rami Malek has an identical twin and the Mr. Robot's writers just decided not to use it? Unbelievable.

Turns out, the Oscar-winning actor has an identical twin Sami, and they have pulled off the classic twin switch on multiple occasions!

In 2015, Rami Malek went on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to talk about his hit show Mr. Robot and shared a story about the time he helped his brother pass a class.

Rami and Sami went to different colleges, and one day Sami panicked and called his twin up to ask if he knew "a Greek monologue from a Greek tragedy" (Rami did).

Sami then begged him to "come down" to his university and "do this [monologue] for his class" because he needed the points to get his degree (which was not in acting).

Being the good brother that he is, Rami agreed, and his twin concocted the perfect plan to do the deed. What Sami didn't think through was that Rami could do the monologue too well – and he did (he even got some applause).

The professor got suspicious, pulled "Sami" out into the hall, and asked where he learned how to do this (in four years, this was probably the only time Sami shined in the class).

Rami simply went, "It's just a hobby!" The professor was so impressed that she actually asked him to come back later to do the monologue again for another class.

However, after learning that he had gotten his twin the points he needed to graduate, Rami refused with the excuse that his "car was parked in the red."

What a great brother he is!

Sami is not actually an actor. Instead, he has chosen to pursue a career in education. However, he does have a few TV credits.

One of them is 2016's Buster's Mal Heart, in which the brothers pull a completely legal twin switcheroo.

We Could Have Seen Rami Malek's Twin in Mr. Robot - image 1

Rami stars in the main role, but you might have seen Sami in the movie as well – he is credited as the "body double." Well, now we know why Buster looks a little bit different in some scenes!

Too bad they never used this in Mr. Robot, though… Anyway, while Sami may be focusing on his teaching career now, we should not lose hope of seeing him in a movie alongside Rami sometime later.

Who knows what the future holds?

Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live