
Two Times Harry Potter Did Hagrid Really Dirty

Two Times Harry Potter Did Hagrid Really Dirty
Image credit: Legion-Media

Hagrid and Harry's relationship is one of the sweetest in the Harry Potter saga, but it was tarnished in the end in the most unexpected way.

Hagrid was the one who showed the wizarding world to Harry in the first place. He was the one who gave Harry his trusted friend and pet, Hedwig.

He was the one who was literally always there for Harry no matter what.

How did he repay Hagrid for his years of friendship? He didn't. Instead, Harry decided to honor two manipulative jerks who didn't care about him as a person by naming his two sons after them.

We love Harry Potter as much as the next person, but Harry's choice of names for his kids still makes no sense even after all these years.

First of all, where was Ginny and how did she allow this to happen? Was she pumped up on some magical epidural to let Harry get away with such horrific names?

Second, we can forgive the kudos to Dumbledore – at least, he was a good man at the end of the day (he just did those things for the greater good), but Snape, Harry, really?

We get that he loved your mom (or was obsessed with her), but he was also the one who got Lily and James killed and made your life and your classmates' lives a living hell for the better part of a decade.

Nothing can justify that (not even helping to take down Voldemort), sorry.

Last but not least, Albus Severus is an incredibly stupid-sounding name, and it also feels like what some old man would be called.

Rubeus would be much better, and Hagrid would just weep in joy if that happened. Justice for Hagrid…

Frankly, Hagrid is not the only one Harry robbed. Remember someone else who looked after Harry like a second father?

The man who welcomed Harry into his home and had his entire family risk their lives for him?

Arthur Weasley deserved better too. Albus Severus should have been Arthur Rubeus, and you can't convince us otherwise.

Let's hope Harry and Ginny have another son in the future and correct their unfortunate mistake. It could still happen, they are quite young for wizards!