
Trick, Not Treat: 7 Horror Movies Riddled With Plot Holes So Badly It's Actually Scary

Trick, Not Treat: 7 Horror Movies Riddled With Plot Holes So Badly It's Actually Scary
Image credit: Legion-Media, Paramount Pictures

We might love these films, but we can't help but poke a little fun at the glaring plot holes.

We love horror films for the thrills, chills, and sometimes unintentional laughs they give us. But sometimes, there are gaping plot holes that, if you think about them too hard, might just give you a bigger scare than the movie itself.

1. A Quiet Place ( 2018)

Creatures that hunt by sound somehow don't catch the sound of heartbeats or breathing. Convenient. And the biggest "duh" moment: why isn't everyone just living next to that waterfall? Instead, they live in a field... with a newborn baby. Because babies are notoriously quiet.

2. Hollow Man (2000)

In the movie, it’s the military initiative to create a serum that can make a person invisible. Brilliance at its peak here: let’s have a soldier who has to fight butt-naked and can be spotted with a pair of cheap glasses. How exactly is that an advantage again?

3. Signs (2002)

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In Signs, we've got aliens who are revealed to be... allergic to water. If you think about it, Earth's atmosphere is filled with water vapor and Earth's surface is 70% water. Yet these aliens thought attacking us was a good idea.

4. Halloween (1978)

The iconic Michael Myers, slasher extraordinaire, seemingly has a hidden talent: driving. Despite being locked up since he was a kiddo, he hops in a car during his escape and cruises away like he's been taking secret driving lessons. Maybe he's just a fast learner?

5. Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)

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In the first film, there's a light-hearted jab about not inviting Katie's mom. Fast forward to Paranormal Activity 3 (which is a prequel to the first movie), and we find out Katie's mom has been dead since her childhood. Oops. Looks like someone missed the memo.

6. Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)

Born in 1974, Heather magically appears to be in her twenties in the film. Okay, let’s assume she is 20 and the movie is set in the 90s. But how come a cop in the film uses an iPhone in one of the scenes?

7. Freddy vs. Jason (2003)

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In the movie, Freddy apparently discovers that Jason's fear is... water? Yes, Jason drowned as a kid but later turned water into his personal hunting ground in almost every Friday the 13th movie. Why, all of a sudden, is he supposed to be terrified of it?