Top 5 Most Hated Office Characters, Ranked from Meh to Get-Rid-of-Them

Top 5 Most Hated Office Characters, Ranked from Meh to Get-Rid-of-Them
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Office was meant to be cringeworthy, but some characters were just too much from the get-go.

Here are five characters from The Office whose guts we hate the most.

5. Andy Bernard

Tuuuna (in that annoying voice)! Andy joins the show in season 3, and he starts off already pretty irritating. As the seasons progress, Andy doesn’t get any better – he has his moments, but in general, he is just a nuisance to everyone.

Andy’s relationship with Erin had so much potential at first, but the writers just ruined everything. In the final season, Andy is so unhinged that it actually hurts to watch the scenes he is in.

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4. Toby Flenderson

We all used to have sympathy for Toby because of the way Michael treated him. However, as the years went by, Toby just never stood up for himself or even acknowledged his responsibility for his own misfortunes.

He is also the HR guy who would make you want to quit your job since he never cares about helping any of the employees. That crowning jewel of all cringey moments with Pam doesn’t bode well for him either.

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3. Ryan Howard

Ryan is a clear example of a character gone wrong. He is so sweet and innocent at the beginning, and we all felt for the regular guy thrown into the middle of the office shenanigans. That was certainly the wrong impression – Ryan developed an ego the size of Jupiter and became one of the most infuriating characters on the show.

Plus, we quickly grew tired of Ryan and Kelly’s toxic relationship, which could’ve just as easily served as a what-not-to-do dating guide.

2. Cathy Simms

Jim and Pam may not have been perfect, but they were the apple of our eye for many years. When Cathy went in to destroy them, no one was amused, and we mean no one. Pam was on maternity leave, and Cathy just kept making passes at Jim. She is ultimately a selfish gal with low self-esteem who bordered on workplace harassment.

Thankfully, Cathy was off our screens and out of our lives pretty fast!

1. Brian

Trouble came from where we didn’t expect it in the form of Brian, who tried to take advantage of Jim and Pam’s marital problems and steal Pam away. He was the cameraman on the documentary crew, who fell in love with Pam while recording the life of the office. His outrageous move cost him his job (and we got justice) because no one messes with the best couple of all time and gets away with it!

This is not an exhaustive list of The Office’s worst characters, but these are definitely the five that fans hate the most!