Top 10 Worst Bridgerton Characters, Ranked from Meh to Kill-Them-Off-Please

Top 10 Worst Bridgerton Characters, Ranked from Meh to Kill-Them-Off-Please
Image credit: Legion-Media

Bridgerton may have some of the most heartwarming stories, but boy, do we hate some of the characters (and they deserve it).

Here are the top ten most hated Bridgerton characters.

10. Cressida Cowper

This gossip-hungry blonde has gotten on everyone's nerves on one occasion or another. From plotting to ruin Daphne's life over some guy (who is, admittedly, the Prince of Prussia, but still) to being mean and hateful to literally everyone because she feels like it, Cressida is just the worst.

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9. Portia Featherington

You may be wondering why the show's main villain is so low on this list, but this mama bear does what she must to provide for her family.

This is not to say that Lady Featherington's actions shouldn't be condemned – they should, we're just saying that we get where she is coming from.

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8. Queen Charlotte

We all feel for the Queen after learning her tragic life story in the spinoff. Still, all that pain doesn't give her the right to act all high and mighty and toy with people's emotions and fates.

The way she threatens Eloise in season 2 and disrespects her ton sometimes has earned her the eighth place on here.

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7. Simon Basset

We love a passionate soul behind that stern exterior as much as the next guy, but Simon's I-made-a-vow-to-my-daddy gimmick gets old and tiresome pretty fast.

Saying you love Daphne and allowing her to make a huge sacrifice because your dad was a d*ck, and now you don't want to have kids out of spite? Inexcusable!

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6. Colin Bridgerton

Does anyone else wish that this guy would just chill? Colin has been trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life for two seasons, and it is painful to watch.

We don't appreciate him acting completely two-faced toward Penelope in season 2 either. Hopefully, season 3 will turn Colin into a more likable character!

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5. Kate Sharma

Girl, you're 26 years old: if you like a guy, either get over it or just tell him. Don't spend the entire season denying your feelings and waiting until the last possible moment to admit them to yourself and to your guy.

We adore Kanthony as the endgame, but they are both just so dumb throughout season 2.

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4. Anthony Bridgerton

Speaking of dumb, Lord Bridgerton is annoying in the first season, but he just gets progressively facepalm-y with each episode of season 2.

All of his decisions make us want to slap him, and his I'm-Lord-Bridgerton-and-I-must-do-whatever rhetoric is not (and never has been) amusing.

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3. Marina Thompson

This little lady seems like a nice girl at first, but she quickly proves that she is related to the Featheringtons. Deceiving Colin and almost trapping him, eventually marrying Phillip Crane who she doesn't love, acting better than everybody else… We don't like Marina in this fandom.

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2. Penelope Featherington

Penelope's middle name could easily be "Hypocrite," and we wouldn't even question it. She has done so much damage to so many people as Lady Whistledown that it's hard to imagine any kind of redemption arc for her.

This character may be a leading lady in season 3, but no one is really rooting for her anymore.

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1. Nigel Berbrooke

Thankfully, he is only in a few episodes of the show, otherwise, we would all want to smash our screens every time he is there.

Nigel is the epitome of despicable, and we were over the moon when Daphne showed him girl power in all its glory. The only way we'd want to see him back in season 3 is if one of the episodes featured his funeral.

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