This Stranger Things Love Triangle Is Starting To Get On Fans' Nerves

This Stranger Things Love Triangle Is Starting To Get On Fans' Nerves
Image credit: Legion-Media

You guessed it right.

The hit series has captured the hearts of many with its unique storylines, characters, and nostalgic '80s vibe. However, one aspect of the show that has divided fans is the romantic plot that has plagued the show since season 2.

The love triangle was first introduced in the premiere installment, where Nancy dated Steve, the popular guy in school.

However, she soon found herself attracted to Jonathan, the quiet and mysterious character who took pictures of her and her best friend Barb before she disappeared.

The tension between the three characters continued in season 2, with Nancy and Jonathan's relationship growing stronger, while Steve was left heartbroken.

Redditor Queasy_Put6752 decided to voice their dissatisfaction. It seems to the fan the series has shown enough times that Steve and Nancy are in no way meant for each other.

Sure, people and feelings can change, but putting the show back on the path of love intrigue for the finale seems like a questionable idea.

Steve was the bad guy of the first season, and there was an instant chemistry between Jonathan and Nancy that the showrunners, for some reason, decided to drop in the fourth chapter.

Previously, Wheeler seemed to enjoy her relationship with Byers, and although Harrington loves the girl, she was not interested in him. Until season 4...

The Redditor just doesn't understand why this love triangle should be revived. The fan wants Steve to move on and find happiness. If Nancy and Jonathan's couple breaks up over the beloved babysitter, it would be a huge wasted potential.

The fans could not agree more. Many want the couple not to break up, but to realize that even if they have different priorities in life, they can still find much in common that attracted them to each other in the first place.

Steve, on the other hand, needs to understand: it is not Nancy he misses, but the image she represents.

Viewers dream of seeing Steve happy, but many fan theories suggest the former bully will be one of the many victims of the finale's massacre.

This Stranger Things Love Triangle Is Starting To Get On Fans' Nerves - image 1

Filming of the new season was delayed due to a writers' strike. The release date has now been pushed back to late 2024, early 2025, but no one knows the exact time.

One can only hope that the Duffer Brothers manage to create something really great in such a long time.

Source: Reddit