
This Muggle Invention Would Impress Wizarding World the Most (And Cause Snape's Epic Eye Roll)

This Muggle Invention Would Impress Wizarding World the Most (And Cause Snape's Epic Eye Roll)
Image credit: Legion-Media

"I loathe these blasted muggle contraptions!"

The muggle invention that would most impress the wizarding world would undoubtedly be the smartphone. With its ability to connect people instantly, access a vast array of information, and even perform magic-like feats such as taking photos and videos, the smartphone would be a revolutionary tool in the wizarding world.

Harry Potter and his friends would be amazed at the endless possibilities of the smartphone. They could use it to keep in touch with each other and with their loved ones, even while they are on the go. They could also use it to access all sorts of magical information and spells, making their studies and research much easier.

Hermione Granger, being the studious and intelligent witch that she is, would be particularly excited about the smartphone. She could use it to access the library of Hogwarts, as well as all the magical knowledge that is available on the internet. She could even create her own spellbook app, which would be a valuable tool for her and her friends.

This Muggle Invention Would Impress Wizarding World the Most (And Cause Snape's Epic Eye Roll) - image 1

Ron Weasley, on the other hand, would be more interested in the entertainment aspect of the smartphone. He could use it to play games, watch videos, and listen to music, providing him with endless hours of fun and distraction. He could also use it to keep up with the latest news and gossip from the wizarding world, making him the go-to source for all the latest happenings.

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Overall, the smartphone would be a game-changer in the wizarding world, providing new opportunities and possibilities for wizards and witches of all ages. Harry Potter and his friends would be thrilled to have access to this incredible muggle invention, and they would surely put it to good use in their magical adventures.

What About Snape, Though?

Oh, Snape would have loathed the idea of a smartphone. The very thought of it would have made him curl his lip in disgust. "Why on earth would anyone need such a silly muggle contraption?" he would sneer. "It's nothing but a distraction, a waste of time and energy."

But despite his initial skepticism, Snape would eventually be forced to admit that the smartphone has its uses. He could use it to keep track of his students, monitoring their movements and activities in real-time. He could also use it to access the library of Hogwarts, allowing him to brush up on his Dark Arts knowledge without having to leave his office.

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But even with these newfound benefits, Snape would still find the smartphone to be a nuisance. He would constantly grumble about the constant notifications and alerts, the seemingly never-ending stream of messages and calls. He would also despise the selfie culture, rolling his eyes at all the students who insist on taking pictures of themselves with their smartphones.

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In the end, Snape would reluctantly accept the smartphone as a necessary evil, but he would still bemoan its presence in the wizarding world. He would constantly complain about the lack of privacy and the decline of proper communication, shaking his head at the younger generation's obsession with their silly little muggle gadgets.