
This Gary Oldman Movie Is Probably World's Biggest Box Office Bomb (Because of Shia LaBeouf)

This Gary Oldman Movie Is Probably World's Biggest Box Office Bomb (Because of Shia LaBeouf)
Image credit: Lionsgate Premiere

Not even the star of Harry Potter was able to save the movie from a crushing failure.

It is not uncommon for a movie to fall victim to the bad reputation of the actors who star in it. The Internet remembers everything, and the dubious actions of stars can outrage viewers enough to bring down box office and ratings.

That's exactly what happened to the movie Man Down, starring Shia LaBeouf.

LaBeouf was on the unofficial "blacklist" of Hollywood. The reason for this is the actor's regular scandalous antics and drunken brawls. His troubles with the law began after the resounding success of Transformers, which was released in 2007.

Despite the scandalous reputation, LaBeouf was in demand and loved by the audience, and movies with his participation performed well at the box office.

The actor was even forgiven for the conflict with Brad Pitt in 2013 on the set of the movie Fury. However, in 2014, the patience of Hollywood bosses and fans snapped.

This Gary Oldman Movie Is Probably World's Biggest Box Office Bomb (Because of Shia LaBeouf) - image 1

An end to LaBeouf's participation in big-budget Hollywood projects was put by a drunken brawl he arranged at the screening of a Broadway musical.

First, Shia went backstage, where he gave actresses obscene compliments. And in the hall, the star of Transformers smoked, shouted, threw insulting remarks and even got into a fight with a viewer.

After all this, in 2016 the movie Man Down was released. It was not devastatingly bad, but the presence of LaBeouf, let alone his starring role, put an end to the movie.

Man Down was released in only one British theater and earned only £7 (about $8) in its first weekend – only one ticket was bought.

The movie was panned by critics, bombed at the US box office, and the same situation developed at the UK box office – even the participation of such a star as Gary Oldman in the movie did not help.

It is a pity that no one revealed who the person who came to see the movie was – that way we would know the name of Shia's only devoted fan, not only in Britain, but perhaps in the world.