
This Barbie Almost Quit: Margot Robbie Almost Gave Up Acting After Her Breakthrough Movie

This Barbie Almost Quit: Margot Robbie Almost Gave Up Acting After Her Breakthrough Movie
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Margot Robbie is one of the most acclaimed actresses these days, but few know that back when she started, she was ready to give up because of the sudden fame.

Since the recent release of Barbie, everyone knows Margot Robbie ’s name now — even if they’ve been living under a rock for the past decade.

The actress’ latest movie earned all possible critical acclaim and grossed over $1B worldwide, becoming a full-blown cultural phenomenon in the process, as well.

It’s almost impossible to imagine Hollywood’s A-list without Robbie today, but it was entirely possible that we would’ve forgotten her by now — all thanks to the sudden surge in fame the actress experienced a decade ago after her first breakthrough movie.

Margot Robbie was seriously inclined to quit acting altogether back then!

While thousands of actors are praying to finally get their breakthrough role, for Margot, it didn’t work out so well.

After starring in Martin Scorsese ’s iconic The Wolf of Wall Street back in 2013, the actress was immediately elevated to international stardom, but it turned out, she wasn’t ready for that and felt incredibly stressed.

While talking to Vanity Fair, Margot Robbie recalled how overwhelmed she was feeling because of all the sudden fame and publicity.

The interviews, the paparazzi, and the overall constant spotlight were too much for her to handle, and she admits that she was feeling “pretty awful” and even considered quitting the movie industry.

“I remember saying to my mum, ‘I don’t think I want to do this,’” shared Robbie.

It was a tough time for the young actress, and the immense success of The Wolf from Wall Street where she co-starred with Leonardo DiCaprio definitely messed her up quite a bit. It’s not often that we learn that some iconic performers were so overwhelmed after their first big breakthrough that they wanted to quit altogether.

Fortunately, as time passed, Margot Robbie managed to collect herself and deal with her fame. Now, she’s one of the most beloved actresses in the world, and she doesn’t really shy away from the spotlight anymore — and if you want proof, just hit up your local theater on the weekend to get your dose of Robbie’s latest bright-pink adventure comedy.

Source: Vanity Fair