The Walking Dead Just Created a New Plot Hole Instead of Resolving Old Ones

The Walking Dead Just Created a New Plot Hole Instead of Resolving Old Ones
Image credit: Legion-Media

It is not an easy task to survive in a post-apocalyptic world surrounded by zombies. It is even harder if one has to do it for 11 seasons in a row.

Surviving needs courage, strength, fast thinking, and some miracle. Or as we prefer to call it plot hole so big that it can destroy the entire imaginary universe. That is exactly the case with the Walking Dead, a show that has so many gigantic plot holes that everyone should be able to make a list of their favorite ones. Our personal fav is the absence of zombie animals and the surprising scarcity of guns in America.

But the recent episode 19 of season 11 just added one more plot hole to the long list of unresolved ones from the previous seasons. In this episode, Eugene, Daryl, and Rosita are finding shelter inside the Commonwealth's church. All Commonwealth soldiers are searching for them after the death of Sebastian Milton. They are even right outside the church as Eugene sees them from the window. But they never go in! The church seems the most obvious guess and should be one of the first places to search. But somehow it remains untouched till the end of the episode.

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There are several explanations ScreenRant's Craig Elvy has to offer for this mystery. It is hard to believe that the soldiers refuse to go into the church because it is a sacred place. But what if they have searched it before and Daryl and Eugene sneaked in afterward? Even if so it had to be better explained. Yes, the Walking Dead has repeatedly proved how Commonwealth soldiers aren't the brightest bulbs in the zombie apocalypse. Bat sadly the same can be sometimes said about the show writers.