The Main Character Walking Dead Season 11 has Totally Wasted

The Main Character Walking Dead Season 11 has Totally Wasted
Image credit: Legion-Media

The eleventh season of The Walking Dead premiered on August 22, 2021, and is expected to conclude on November 20, 2022. Even if it wasn't initially supposed to be the final season of the show, it will be after all.

Now, one month before the end, it's painful to watch the writers doing their best to fix the giant plot holes that only keep on growing and to wrap up the stories of too many characters in the show. But there is one character that we feel particularly sorry about: Juanita "Princess" Sanchez played by Paola Lazaro.

There is almost nothing happening with Princess in the last season. She was absent for most of it and mainly appeared on the last episode (11/19, "Variant") to provide an emotional partying speech. Her monologue mentions, abusive childhood, a lingering mistrust of male figures in her life, and a refusal to accept the Commonwealth's "it could be worse" mantra. It has a weird effect making her a deeper, more sympathetic character as she most likely will not play any important role in the last few episodes of the show.

According to ScreenRant, the Princess's story and the waste of her character is symptomatic of a larger issue within The Walking Dead season 11. It "essentially boils down to an abundance of characters and a lack of episodes to accommodate them". One of the reasons for such a chaotic development may be that the show wasn't supposed to end with season 11, and now there are too many plot lines and stories left hanging loose. Inevitably, some get more attention while others get completely forgotten. The show would win much more had it centered on the characters, not the plot points. Otherwise, the characters that viewers can care about get lost in the series' many storylines.