The Rookie Mary Sue'd This Character to Death, And Fans Are Not Having It

The Rookie Mary Sue'd This Character to Death, And Fans Are Not Having It
Image credit: ABC

No one likes a know-it-all.

One thing is to have to deal with them in real life, but they're also in our favorite TV shows.

The ones that are supposed to take us away from our own problems, but instead force us into exactly the same people we are trying to stay away from.

The annoying Rookie character that seems to drive fans crazy is Bailey Nune. In fact, Reddit is full of threads with titles like "Why I hate Bailey" or "I'm just tired of Bailey".

And each of them blows up with angry comments and even huge analytical pieces on why she simply has to fail, at least for once.

And the main reason, of course, is her omnipresence. It seems like she has some kind of radar or something in her mind that just tells her "go there" and she listens to it, immediately becoming the center of attention by doing whatever it takes to solve the problem she has become a part of.

"The reason I am not a fan of Bailey is that she is a Mary Sue. She can do everything, has been and will be everywhere, anything somebody has done she has done better.

I understand the EMT/Firefighter thing as many cities do combine the two. I even understand multiple jobs, as many people have that. But she has been Mary Sue'd to death," Reddit user DifferentId4821 said.

However, Nune is not that lucky to be hated only for that particular thing. The fandom also disliked her as a love interest for the main character, John Nolan.

And as if that wasn't enough, they're not even happy with the choice of actress for the character.

"I've been tired of her since her third episode. IMO she's been the worst love interest for Nolan, I don't really like her acting, and her addition was really the start of the series going downhill significantly. They should have bent over backwards to get Ali Larter to stay on the show," Reddit user Voodoo7007 said.

Well, maybe we should all just accept the fact that there will always be Baileys in this world, and the least we can do is turn a blind eye to them and not let them ruin our day.