The Only Time in Young Sheldon When We Were Actually Sorry for Sheldon

The Only Time in Young Sheldon When We Were Actually Sorry for Sheldon
Image credit: CBS

Sheldon Cooper is many things, but easily likable is not one of them. However, there was one time when we all felt bad for Sheldon's misfortune.

Even as a child, Sheldon is pretty unshakable when it comes to people disregarding him – all that matters is that he knows that he is right. In the season 2 finale, we got to see a different, more vulnerable side of the character.

Remember how excited Sheldon is to listen to the announcement of the Nobel Prize winners in Physics?

He actually invites all of his classmates and Dr. Sturgis to witness this historic moment together and preps the garage for the event.

Since no one is as interested in Physics as Sheldon and the listening party starts at 5 a.m. Texas time, not a single person (well, except Mary) shows up. Not even Dr. Sturgis, who has helped the young genius set up the radio.

Sheldon is truly devastated for the first time in the show and starts crying while sitting alone in the garage, which remains one of the saddest scenes to this day.

Adult Sheldon, the narrator, describes his emotions at that very moment, saying that he felt then that he was "destined to be alone forever."

The creators didn't want us to die of heartbreak, so they cut to a compilation of what the younger versions of TBBT's characters were doing at that very moment.

The narrator then concludes that he was "wrong" to think that he would be alone forever.

Honestly, this underrated scene is one of the few times they've shown Sheldon as a human being with emotions that are triggered just like everybody else's.

No matter how annoying and condescending Sheldon is most of the time, there is a glimmer of hope that he will eventually grow out of it (even if it takes him a couple of decades).

Emotional moments for Sheldon are hard to come by, but hopefully, we will shed a few more tears next season when the inevitable George-cheating-and-dying storyline comes into play.

We are not ready, and yet we can't wait to watch it all unfold.