The Only Flaw Preventing Mona from Being Friends' Most Perfect Character

The Only Flaw Preventing Mona from Being Friends' Most Perfect Character
Image credit: Legion-Media/globallookpress

Ross has had some great girlfriends and some bad ones. Mona tends to be put in the second category, along with that evil witch Emily, but is that really fair? Time to dig deep!

Mona is Ross' recurring girlfriend throughout Season 8. They start dating just as Ross finds out that Rachel is pregnant. Let's stop there for a second.

Remember when Rachel's dad comes over to yell at Ross for getting Rachel pregnant and that is how Mona finds out? Despite the abuse and Ross' failure to disclose this relationship-altering info, Mona still forgives him.

Does Ross deserve such an understanding girlfriend, all things considered? Hardly.

Throughout the episodes, Mona is always supportive of Ross' interests and is extremely patient with him. Even after he leaves her hanging to rush to the hospital when Rachel has Braxton-Hicks contractions.

The poor girl gets left at the movies and still does not pick up a fight with him!

Mona has really set the bar high when it comes to being understanding about Ross and Rachel's situation. She even buys baby clothes, for crying out loud! We wish we could be more like Mona sometimes…

When she has finally had it with Ross because he doesn't tell her that Rachel has moved in with him, Mona decides to call it quits.

However, when she and Ross finally break up, and he sneaks into her apartment to get his pink shirt without telling her, Mona does not even press charges. With their history, she could, and no one would judge her.

We are not saying that Mona is perfect though! Fans believe that she has one big flaw, and that is that she did not end it with Ross sooner.

In other words, she is too patient and too understanding in a way. Sure, Ross doesn't deserve her, but she should have realized sooner that she is not appreciated enough. Come on, put yourself first, girl.

Maybe Mona is just not Ross' lobster the way Rachel is, or maybe the circumstances were never right for them. Either way, let's give Mona some love, maybe that will show her she is worth it!