That Sick Moment When Game of Thrones Jumped the Shark

That Sick Moment When Game of Thrones Jumped the Shark
Image credit: Legion-Media

Happened long before the finale.

Game of Thrones is an award-winning television series based on the book series by George R.R. Martin. The show is known for its intricate plot, intense action, and complex characters.

However, despite its initial success, the series' quality began to decline with each passing season.

Seasons 1-5 of Game of Thrones were critically acclaimed and loved by fans. But by season 6, the show began to go in a different direction. The writing became predictable.

The series relied heavily on shock value and violence to keep the audience engaged, which only worked for a short time. As the seasons progressed, it became clear that Game of Thrones was losing its touch.

Deaths were less sudden, main characters died and were resurrected, and an aura of invulnerability hung over some. Fans understood that Daenerys or Jon Snow would have to live to see the end of the saga.

Season 7 attempted to correct some of the problems from the previous installment, but it was too little, too late. By season 8, the show had become a shadow of its former self. The writing had become even more lazy and the plot was full of holes.

But the ultimate downfall was the Battle of Winterfell. Fans had waited years for this epic clash between the living and the dead. And when it finally came, it was a confusing mess.

The lighting was so dark it was hard to see what was happening, the tactics made no sense, and the resolution was unsatisfying.

The Night King, the series' big bad, was defeated by a single stab from Arya Stark, a character who had no previous connection to the White Walkers.

It was a major letdown, and it signaled that the show's writers were more interested in surprise than logic.

In the episodes that followed, the show continued to make baffling choices. Characters who had been built up for seasons were suddenly killed off without any payoff.

Plots were abandoned or resolved too quickly. And the show's pacing was all over the place, with some episodes feeling rushed and others dragging.

But some fans disagree.

"Game of Thrones goes from being a 10/10 to like a 8/10. Yeah, the drop off is unfortunate, but it's still a great show all the way through," Redditor HappyGilOHMYGOD said.

There's no denying that the moment Game of Thrones became a bad show was a sad one for fans. But even though the final season was a disappointment, it can't erase the many great moments that came before it.

Game of Thrones will always be remembered as one of the most groundbreaking and beloved shows of all time.

Source: Reddit