Taylor Sheridan Literally Punched His Way Into Hollywood: 'I'm Gonna Knock You Out'

Taylor Sheridan Literally Punched His Way Into Hollywood: 'I'm Gonna Knock You Out'
Image credit: Legion-Media

Ironically, Sheridan wouldn’t have gotten a chance in the movie industry if he didn’t punch another aspiring actor in the jaw.

Today, we know and love Taylor Sheridan as the mastermind behind Yellowstone and its plentiful spin-offs and one of the best neo-Western creators in Hollywood. But back in the day, Sheridan was just another young man chasing his dreams in one of the most brutally competitive industries in the world, and he stood next to no chance of making it through… So he decided to punch his way to success.

Sheridan’s First Audition Went Poorly

Taylor Sheridan’s background is just about 100% like you imagined it based on his works. He was born in North Carolina, lived in Texas, and then moved to Chicago to chase his dreams. He wanted to become an actor and knew where to start: commercials. Unfortunately, Sheridan’s first audition wasn’t going as planned.

Sheridan was let in with another guy, and they were supposed to talk about themselves. On Sheridan’s turn, his competitor kept interrupting him and talking over him, and that really pissed him off.

“Hey, man. You interrupt me again, I’m gonna knock you out. Just letting you know,” Sheridan told him in front of everyone.

The guy nodded like he understood and… Kept talking over Sheridan. Frustrated and infuriated, the future Yellowstone creator turned around and punched him in the face, then turned around and left. He knew he was done for in that studio.

Taylor Sheridan Literally Punched His Way Into Hollywood: 'I'm Gonna Knock You Out' - image 1

Sheridan’s Anger Got Him His First Gig

For obvious reasons, Taylor Sheridan fully expected to be in trouble for his feat of rage. Not the police kind of trouble but the professional one. He thought he was done for and he would not only miss out on that one commercial but on acting altogether. He knew he’d now have a bad reputation. He even started packing for Texas.

But then, they reached out to him and told him he got the part. Sheridan was in utter disbelief but took the deal: he’d be a fool not to. He didn’t understand why they decided to go through with him, though. “You know why I hired you? Because that’s the funniest damn scene I’ve ever seen in my life,” the producer told him later.

Taylor Sheridan Literally Punched His Way Into Hollywood: 'I'm Gonna Knock You Out' - image 2

Taylor Sheridan literally punched his way into the movie industry, according to this story he recently shared with Esquire. At the very least, he showed the commercial’s producer that he was decisive and a man of his word… But we’re lowkey curious what happened with that guy talking over him. Where are his own Western sagas?

Source: Esquire