
Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction Leaked OG Cast List Totally Differs from Final Version

Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction Leaked OG Cast List Totally Differs from Final Version
Image credit: Legion-Media

Tarantino had one strict rule for the role of Jules. "No rappers," is written in the casting list.

Quentin Tarantino 's list of actors who could have starred in Pulp Fiction appeared on social media.

In it, three stars indicate the most suitable actors for the role, two – lower priority, and one – the actors which are likely to be chosen.

Such sheets are a common practice. The director, especially if he is also a screenwriter, has an idea in advance of which actor he thinks is best suited for a particular role.

In practice, however, the desire does not always coincide with the possibilities – sometimes an actor is not satisfied with the salary, and sometimes he would be happy to join, but cannot because of commitments in another project.

So if you look at the casting list of Pulp Fiction, it basically confirms a lot of what has been known for a long time.

Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction Leaked OG Cast List Totally Differs from Final Version - image 1

The role of Vincent was meant for Michael Madsen, but he missed it because signed on for Wyatt Earp, which ultimately did not receive the drop of public love that Pulp Fiction did.

You can also note that the first candidate for the role of Jules was not Samuel Jackson, but Larry Fishburne.

In the 1990s, many fans confused these actors, and according to Fishburne, he was repeatedly approached by people praising him for how great he was in Pulp Fiction and asking for an autograph. He usually complied and signed, "Respectfully yours, Samuel Jackson."

Moreover, Jackson himself recalled that he was often told that the guy he played in The Matrix was their favorite character from the movie.

Also, Bruce Willis who played the role of Butch is not on the list at all. In the same way, there are no names of Sylvester Stallone and Mickey Rourke, who were the first actors to whom Tarantino offered the role.

It is also interesting to note that Uma Thurman, who ended up playing Mia Wallace, is not on the list, too. Tarantino initially considered Virginia Madsen, Angela Bassett and Jennifer Beals for the role.

Source: MasterTarantino on Twitter