
Tarantino Includes These 10 Subtle Details in All His Movies

Tarantino Includes These 10 Subtle Details in All His Movies
Image credit: Legion-Media

Without a doubt, Quentin Tarantino is one of the most original and talented directors working in Hollywood today, whose unique sense of style and ability to channel his vast knowledge of B-movies into his own cinema has made him a much admired filmmaker.

Like any good director, Tarantino had developed his own unique directing style that can be easily recognized in any of his films. With Tarantino seemingly preparing to end his career in the coming years, we decided to revisit his oeuvre and highlight 10 details that he included in all of his movies.

As this list certainly proves, Tarantino is an accomplished director who never deviates from his style under pressure from producers and continues to showcase his personality through his films.

While some of the details on this list are essential to the success of Tarantino's films, as people have become accustomed to noticing the Easter eggs he leaves behind and marveling at his exquisite taste in music, others raise some eyebrows.

For example, Tarantino's quest to include bare female feet in every film has been the subject of debate for more than two decades, with some fans even accusing the director of being a bit pervy towards his stars.

However, Tarantino is known to be a very caring and attentive filmmaker, and his style certainly works, so who are we to question him?