SVU: That Disappointing Bensler Nail-Biter Might Be a Good Thing After All

SVU: That Disappointing Bensler Nail-Biter Might Be a Good Thing After All
Image credit: Legion-Media

It's always frustrating when your favorite couple makes a move but doesn't quite get there.

Law & Order: SVU once again played with the hearts of its fans by depriving them of an apparent Bensler endgame. However, it seems that 24 seasons has taught this fandom to be optimistic no matter what.

Despite the fact that episode 12, titled "Blood Out," did not end with the long-awaited kiss between Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson, fans are not ready to lose hope. According to some, it's even better for the couple that they didn't kiss; instead, the episode gave them what they really needed.

"That doesn't mean it's a definitive "no". It simply means what Olivia said. She's not ready. But she wants to. That's the clearest we've gotten. And the best part is that Elliot completely wants to and made that clear to her," Redditor Successful_Candy_688 said.

In fact, this episode was the closest Elliot and Olivia ever came to a romantic clash. Now, at least fans know that the two have feelings for each other, and they finally articulated them.

"I find it promising that in tonight's OC we saw Elliot about to call Olivia (tho interrupted) and we find out that Olivia has been speaking to DA investigator about Elliot's high level of trustworthiness. The [conversation] tonight has the potential to lay a legit foundation, it's just a matter of whether it will be built upon sturdily," Redditor bluelightsonblkgirls explained.

However, many fans are still disappointed because of the "misleading" promo for the episode, which showed a hug between the two. The episode did not include the hug, as the scene was apparently edited before airing.

SVU Cut That Bensler Scene In Episode 12, Robbing Fans Of The Real Deal

Still, the Bensler shippers now believe more than ever that they have a shot at Elliot and Olivia's endgame.

Law & Order: SVU returns with a new episode next Thursday, February 2, on NBC.